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21-Jul-2013 5:57:29 PM
#6 Camalot C4
Unused - $125
Can collect from me in Nati or I can post it.
21-Jul-2013 6:26:57 PM
Have you been climbing at Mount York recently?
21-Jul-2013 6:49:59 PM
Never, but it's on the list
21-Jul-2013 8:05:07 PM
Mt York? Never?
You sure about that?
21-Jul-2013 9:52:11 PM
you lot are prety sceptical. wouldnt cool lock say it was placed once if it was the york one? bit hard to account for retreival scratches otherwise.
21-Jul-2013 9:58:40 PM
yes, yes she would
21-Jul-2013 10:19:45 PM
Polishing out the scratches gives you something to do on the drive back to Nati.
22-Jul-2013 9:48:02 PM
On 21/07/2013 White Trash wrote:
>you lot are prety sceptical. wouldnt cool lock say it was placed once if
>it was the york one? bit hard to account for retreival scratches otherwise.
I wasn't suggesting that the cam was from Mt York.
I was suggesting that Cool Hand Lock had climbed at Mt York. :-p
23-Jul-2013 6:47:09 PM
Mr Patto:
Have I climbed at Mt York?
24-Jul-2013 8:25:13 PM
Yes you have. You have camped there and even been hit by a dust storm there!
27-Jul-2013 5:50:42 PM
Oh yeah, I like Mt York.
23-Aug-2013 8:13:39 PM
But I still want to sell this cam
28-Oct-2015 7:48:30 AM
I just sold two of these. That took a while.