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mouseys magical land of nonsense |
23-Apr-2008 12:18:32 PM
There goes his sex life then
23-Apr-2008 2:18:08 PM
Will someone just give him a lift to Buffalo!!:)
23-Apr-2008 2:26:20 PM
The mormans give you a pushy for your mission. He's set.
23-Apr-2008 10:18:16 PM
He's committed net suicide. RIP mousey. Its not that uncommon these days.
If anyone knows his parents they should let them know so that they can remove his body before his
room smells so much as to discourage new tenants. A real stinker of a room could mean losing $10 a
week rent.
24-Apr-2008 2:59:26 PM
I tried that Mormon technique of carrying around a little pocket calender to eradicate the evils of masturbation.
March was a pretty black month for me!
26-Apr-2008 10:20:51 PM
Mormon jokes aside.
Christopher Walken is a fine actor...the Deer
Whereas upon reflection, DeNiro appears a little comical and overacted.
Merryl Streep is stunning and i am sick of people saying she is not.
26-Apr-2008 11:08:02 PM
Mousy didn't even hang around to give reseaon for his answer.... come out you lurker.
"moooooom tom cruise won't come out of the closet"
26-Apr-2008 11:31:00 PM
My judgement of DeNiro was not well researched. After seeing the second half of the deer hunter I now
believe him to be a talented actor.
20-Aug-2008 10:41:28 AM
mousey wrote on another thread;
>random thing I saw today, thought someone might find it amusing but couldnt be bothered giving it a thread of its own. a tree growing out of an otto bin about 3 pitches up
It is not a tree growing out of an otto bin!
It is actually an eco-friendly attempt to stabilise holds on a typical Blue Mtns climb!
After all the angst in the ‘Ethics and arrogance’ thread about glueing holds back on, and the hubbub on ‘Glue shmoo’ thread about stabilising loose blocks to maintain the grade; it is obvious that the practitioners of such practises(!) are not only paying attention, but also upping their standard of environmental care. They now use new technology to stabilise the large boulders waiting to ...
20-Aug-2008 10:46:32 AM
Poetic synchronisation?
~>copy of forum page has mousey starting and ending it!!
Topic Replies Views Last Message Started By
mouseys magical land of nonsense >| 951 211696 20/08/2008 by IdratherbeclimbingM9 mousey
Off topic - Irresponsible reporting or somthing ! 12 392 20/08/2008 by Pat anthonyk
Escalade - Australian Climbing Festival 09 14 558 19/08/2008 by stonetroll martyb
A time for laughter.. a time for celebration. 10 837 19/08/2008 by Climboholic penguinator
Friday Funnies >| 160 17882 15/08/2008 by -deano- PrincessFingers
Ethics and Arrogance >| 40 2656 15/08/2008 by Capt_mulch namesake
Offtopic - TDF >| 42 2242 15/08/2008 by devlin66 rod
THE OFFICIAL STOKED THREAD! >| 271 26162 14/08/2008 by wallwombat mousey
The Future!!!! 12 564 14/08/2008 by rod JakeB
First ascent of Springfield's Murderhorn 0 203 13/08/2008 by earwig earwig
Help educate Ti and enter another discussion >| 20 848 12/08/2008 by rod ti
Arch falls down 2 435 12/08/2008 by MisterGribble gfdonc
Climbing Videos >| 225 35709 11/08/2008 by beefy markanite
Glue shmoo 9 561 11/08/2008 by mikl law Amanda
Car tires, film noir references and fisticuffs 1 229 10/08/2008 by bomber pro dom
Wanted -Dog Friendly Accommodation around Arapiles 0 132 9/08/2008 by Cobb Cobb
Question re scanning photos 19 738 8/08/2008 by jgoding Pat
VCC Contact on Chockstone 4 600 7/08/2008 by vcc vcc
harrietville to razorback transport? 7 405 7/08/2008 by rebelay jackw
mouseys last words >| 21 2547 5/08/2008 by rod mousey
22-Aug-2008 12:53:08 PM
On 23/04/2008 mousey wrote:
>On 11/11/2003 mousey wrote:
>>Im a 17y/o guy and I wanto get into multipitch trad and eventually big
>>walls, but i don't know anyone who really knows their stuff
>>please let me know if you can help out
>ahh it seems a lifetime ago!
>im officially announcing my retirement from these effing forums. its been
>kinda fun posting complete BS
>and being an e-twat for all these years, but you fellas go right on and
>have fun without me. im well over it.
>i still want a
>lift to buffalo though :)
On 23/04/2008 widewetandslippery wrote:
>Josh has become a mormon and vowed to stop wanking. Can't see it lasting
Point 4; as quoted from that source.
>"If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, YOU MUST BREAK OFF THEIR FRIENDSHIP. Never associate with other people having the same weakness. Don't suppose that two of you will quit together, you never will. You must get away from people of that kind. Just to be in their presence will keep your problem foremost in your mind. The problem must be taken OUT OF YOUR MIND for that is where it really exists. >Your mind must be on other and more wholesome things".
... Hmm. ~> Seems there is no hope for any of us in the 'Chockstone community'?
Have you managed to break the habit yet mousey? ~> ... I notice you are still hanging around ... (including Crag-X); so it seems that 'point 4' was lost on you??
Signed off as ...
'having fun with you'
Heh, heh, heh.
22-Aug-2008 1:10:45 PM
Maybe he bought himself some of those special wank proof undies?
24-Jun-2021 9:05:55 AM
On 8-May-2007 mousey wrote:
>On 7/05/2007 Dodgy_Gear wrote:
>>Myself and several other people I climb with have had just about a gut
>>full of the rampant mess that you have created in the Grampians over
>>last few years.
>>It's not bad enough that routes have been going up with 7 bolts in 16m
>>(these routes just reflect your short sited view) but this continual
>>of rap stations and belays for the safety of all is going to far!
>>If you or your friends that you justify your actions can not do the routes
>>the way they were first climbed and had numerous ascents, then go do
>>else or work on your skills so you can. If you feel the risk is to great,
>>then don't take it.
>>I have had several heated discussion with the NBF in the past over their
>>actions, one point raised was that there activities were just the thin
>>edge of the wedge and other lesser climbers would see it as exceptable
>>behaviour. Your actions of late have proven this to be so!
>>Your selfish actions do nothing to advance climbing, just drag it down
>>to the lowest common denominator.
>yeehaa, the cauldron just copped a bittofa stirrin!!
>im a mate of neilos and consider him a rad dude, but if this is true (wouldnt
>have a clue as i havent climbed any of his routes) then thats not cool
>thing is, its so easy to sit on ya arse and have a go at those who are
>actually out there doing something.
Was this the beginning of the end?