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mouseys magical land of nonsense |
23-Oct-2007 12:46:10 PM
And if dogs could be able to drive themselves to the crag it would be pretty good to Rod. Not as easy to bail, bloody animals who don't show! How was it? Hot?
Neil, I am not trolling on this one. Just because they do it in America does not make it all right. That it is "cute" does not make it all right. That is the excuse of a pedeophile at an under 12s soccer match.
23-Oct-2007 12:48:24 PM
You were the last one to bail on me so I didn't go, went to overpriced St leonards gym instead...I mean seriously $16 to
23-Oct-2007 12:50:10 PM
The wise, strong and keen was a no show? What is the world coming to! Should of called, said i'd be rope boy.
23-Oct-2007 1:22:53 PM
She got lured by the promise of a sea breeze...they breed em soft in Newcastle I tell ya.
24-Oct-2007 1:24:55 AM
Dogs get hip 'arthritis'? Yes, well, kinda. Hip dysplasia, almost completely different condition. And the larger breed dogs, your beloved huskies for instance (gorgeous animals by the way, even if they do have about the brain capacity of a tractor) are the most commonly affected by it. Your analogy is pretty poor, but lets not get into that. Yes, maybe it was inappropriate to do that to the dog, but it putting the dogs health at risk? A verrrry long call there.
24-Oct-2007 7:56:05 AM
According to the owner, he is an 18 month old Mastiff.
I would not think it would be doing any harm.
24-Oct-2007 8:47:45 AM
>She got lured by the promise of a sea breeze...they breed em soft in Newcastle
>I tell ya.
No, they just breed them smart.
24-Oct-2007 10:35:00 AM
WW&S wrote
>Using your little pet (snip)
On 24/10/2007 penguinator wrote:
>According to the owner, he is an 18 month old Mastiff.
>I would not think it would be doing any harm.
I agree.
Mastiffs are not small dogs and at 18 months of age, is in prime of life (still virtually a puppy for large breeds of dogs).
From my experience of dogs, it is likely that the dog would prefer to do this duty (as a game), than remain at home while the owner (chief playmate), is off elsewhere.
Any responsible owner would not load up a dog suffering from hip dysplasia.
24-Oct-2007 10:52:04 AM
Dogs shouldn't be at the Crags anyway...
24-Oct-2007 11:13:41 AM
On 24/10/2007 dalai wrote:
>Dogs shouldn't be at the Crags anyway...
... for the most part, esp according to NP&WS/PV etc.,
... but then again they also often reckon climbing is not allowed ...
Post edit re out of context quotes;~
>...they breed em soft in Newcastle I tell ya.
>>No, they just breed them smart.
A smart dog wouldn't take to being 'loaded up'.
Heh, heh, heh.
24-Oct-2007 12:22:15 PM
I used to take my little fella, Kaboobi, to the crags all the time. When i bought him they told me he was a Jack Russel Terrier but I think he probably had something else in him as well. He never had a problem with sore hips but he used to spit a lot and never seemed to get thirsty. Had to find a home for him when we moved into a unit. I miss him.
24-Oct-2007 12:27:03 PM
You got had WW! Jack Russel Terriers are usually dual coloured!
Heh, heh, heh.
Is that a comfy belay seat Kaboobi is toting there, or a new fangled wall* accoutrement ?
(*...desperately trying to link the thread to Aid climbing for Hero's benefit!!
heh, heh ehuh?).
24-Oct-2007 12:38:43 PM
No, that's my Swiss Army Bouldering Pad/ Belay Seat/ Midget Portaledge. Got it at Anaconda.
24-Oct-2007 12:49:13 PM
who needs to stick clip anymore? just buy a jack russel and problem solved..... !
24-Oct-2007 4:15:21 PM
Monkeys serve that purpose well. Or a nest of super intelligent obedient ants.
24-Oct-2007 11:18:21 PM
*oblivious to the barking around him, mousey continues to ramble of concrete pursuits*
got one of these on the way
25-Oct-2007 2:35:36 AM
hip hooray!
25-Oct-2007 7:07:27 AM
On 25/10/2007 mousey wrote:
>hip hooray!
You got one of them on the way too?
25-Oct-2007 10:12:36 AM
>got one of these on the way
... with your snow escapade induced back pain?
CAB Street
Price: $62.00
Out of Stock
• Length: 29.75"
• Width: 9.625"
• Nose: 3.5"
• Tail: 6.875"
• Wheelbase: 15.125"
• Shape: SOC157
• Concave: SPN2
• Tell a Friend!
It says 'Out of stock'?
Re 'tell a friend'
Heh, heh, heh.
PS the other photo item is interesting; specially the blue/red colour coding on the gear on the harness; ...not dissimilar to my coding scheme; and I love the orange rope!
Heh, heh, heh.
25-Oct-2007 10:34:57 AM
On 25/10/2007 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>>got one of these on the way
>... with your snow escapade induced back pain?
soon to be concrete provoked!!