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mouseys magical land of nonsense |
12-Oct-2007 7:50:46 PM
nope. but there is a B in his name.
btw here's a couple very average shots from a few weeks ago @ the worst kept secret going....
crimpshaw on his arete proj

bundy gettin back below the treeline asap
12-Oct-2007 7:55:53 PM
STOCKON 07 tripreport. (photo intensive)
ill keep it brief;
3 1/2 days. bunch of the boys (my best mates in the fricken world). few fine ladies sprinkled in. lots of beers. lots of 4wds. lots of motorbikes. bunch of surfboards/wakeboards/tyres/bodyboards etc etc.
put this into an ubercampsite in the middle of a MASSIVE area of sand dunes, with a huge stretch of surfable beach and a lot of lagoons.

12-Oct-2007 7:58:44 PM
What did you think of " the worst kept secret going."?
Good shot of the Hawkman in his poo brown and poo yellow Moon climbing gear.
Did you see the big corner across the valley?
12-Oct-2007 8:01:17 PM
i thought it was f---ing amazing actually.
the corner was the first thing i saw as i walked down, i started salivating & hawk said you/dude were gonna do it?
im very very interested in the cracks further down the valley, they look effing pearler. you keen?
12-Oct-2007 8:09:32 PM
as mustard.
There certainly are some plumb lines down there, for those willing to do a bit of scrub bashing.
By the way, how did the Dogface day go?
12-Oct-2007 8:16:52 PM
The dude and I drove up that morning but we were suffering a bit from the hundred schooners we drank the night before. We were going to do the Arete of Terrible Disfigurement but we missed the turn off, ended up down at the bottom near the Scenic Skyway Station, where we promptly executed a perfect tandem synchronised spew in front of about 30 Japanese tourists. We then turned around and walked back up the hill and drove back to Sydney, stopping only for a few medicinal schooners at the Alex in Leura. It was a fiasco.
12-Oct-2007 8:22:29 PM
i had my heart set on gigantor but i didnt have a partner :( only macca and zac vertrees turned up, so i jus got some photos of them attempting to free Colossus. fricken scary stuff that, its not exactly the most solid rock (even for doggie)
this is at the end of the 2nd pitch, just shy of the real bad stuff

anyway lets tee up to do those cracks in a few weeks! bit of a bash but im always up for an epic
12-Oct-2007 8:36:37 PM
On 12/10/2007 gordoste wrote:
>One day hero, I think that if "core user" status existed, you already achieved
>it. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't respect the wishes of the majority.
exactly. & damo, I majorly wish for you too continue stirring shit. i get exactly [X-Y/2(9*PFG) = UTY] entertainemnt value (if one was to differentiate & balance the equation, one would come across a figure roughly semblant of zero) out of another thread comparing grigris&cinches/atcs&reversos/510s&sportivas/mexicans&normalpeople/etcetc
these forums are supposed to be entertainment & information. if you want information, try the search function because 99/100 its been done before. so im all for stirring shit because its mu chmore fun to read about some mexi getting all fired up over a bit of shit-talking
12-Oct-2007 8:44:00 PM
Cool. I'm in.
You have my email, I think. You can always get in touch through here or CragX.
I'll PM my number.
12-Oct-2007 8:45:48 PM
yeh nice, ill give ya a ring tomorrow when i get some credit
13-Oct-2007 9:20:58 AM
On 12/10/2007 wallwombat wrote:
>The dude and I . . . . It was a fiasco.
Sounds awesome - true adventure climbing.
Punching on despite the odds against you, then everything goes belly-up; or out in your case.
Reminds me of the time I walked in only to spend two days sick as a dog . . . spewing . . .
Might organise a regular 3rd Sunday of the month Doggie Day as another get-together . . .
22-Oct-2007 5:32:15 PM
arggg phone lines down for a week from storm damage = no internet. how friggen annoying!
anyway, just in case anyone was wondering... drinking games with double shots of absinthe are a very very bad idea.
skating is rad though. unfortunately (because concrete hurts & hurts makes it harder climb) ive started skating again after several years of (almost) abstinence from the scene, a particularly fun session at bondi bowl a few days ago has convinced me to buy an old school powell peralta board and start carvin it up. yiew
btw, the above passages were from ben elton's 'STARK'
23-Oct-2007 11:14:34 AM

Low altitude Sherpa! I love this photo :)
23-Oct-2007 11:36:48 AM
so thats why they call dogs man's best friend, it all makes sense now!
thats classic, love the photo!
23-Oct-2007 11:40:11 AM
I want that dog.
23-Oct-2007 11:46:37 AM
Hip arthritis is common in dogs and c___s who make them carry there s__t are a_______s. Carry your load or go home and swallow one.
23-Oct-2007 11:49:54 AM
Huskies haul huge loads - and have for centuries. Surely they must be ok with it?
23-Oct-2007 11:59:21 AM
Yes huskies are bred for it. Using your little pet, that was not bred or trained (think 40yr old office worker carrying a heavy pack for the first time) to carry stuff you are to lazy to in my opinion isn't.
23-Oct-2007 12:21:44 PM
(i'm not a dog owner)
Do you think dogs carrying their own water and food is ok? This seemed to be common when I was in the
USA. Their little back packs were very cute!
23-Oct-2007 12:26:33 PM
At least the dog wont bail the night before...if only they could belay too.