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mouseys magical land of nonsense |
26-Jun-2007 3:45:36 PM
Sorry Ghost, to the time out corner you go - 24 hours away...
"Posts containing extremely offensive language, blatant racism, sexual harassment, or out right personal attacks on other forum members are unacceptable."
You already received an official warning.
26-Jun-2007 4:10:50 PM
So there IS a naughty corner...
26-Jun-2007 4:30:00 PM
yes, its called mouseys magical land of nonsense
26-Jun-2007 5:39:28 PM
On 26/06/2007 Idratherbeclimbing wrote:
>Old age at 31 ???
>(shakes head in disbelief) ...
>It is all about attitude.
>... I still enjoy the 'weather', my bivvys etc
>(& epics heh, heh, heh).
I knew it ;-p....I love a good fishing trip sometimes...
26-Jun-2007 5:53:15 PM
On 26/06/2007 Romfrantic wrote:
>I knew it ;-p....I love a good fishing trip sometimes...
or a
>Romfrantic free flying spirit
>Did laugh out loud for a minute,
>Then scraped it together for a Maoist’s misty mountain trip, receiptless!
... excuse me while I go and try to spit a hook out!
26-Jun-2007 6:01:28 PM
On 26/06/2007 Idratherbeclimbing wrote:
>>...Then scraped it together for a Maoist’s misty mountain trip, receiptless!...
LOL! :-D
26-Jun-2007 7:49:43 PM
damn... i thought id had some pretty hardcorre rag-dolls in my time but this guy just took the cake!
26-Jun-2007 7:53:07 PM
anyone done this? i wanna learn!
26-Jun-2007 8:45:40 PM
26-Jun-2007 10:21:50 PM
That was VERY painful to watch... but excellent nevertheless!
28-Jun-2007 6:29:49 PM
Best Things To Say If You Get Caught Sleeping At Your Desk
10."They told me at the Blood Bank this might happen."
9. "This is just a 15 minute power nap they raved about in the time management course you sent me to."
8. "Whew! Guess I left the top off the Whiteout. You probably got here just in time"
7. "I wasn't sleeping! I was meditating on the mission statement and envisioning a new business strategy."
6. "I was testing my keyboard for drool resistance."
5. "I was doing a highly specific Yoga exercise to relieve work-related stress. Are you discriminatory toward people who practice Yoga?"
4. "Darn! Why did you interrupt me? I had almost figured out how to handle that big accounting problem."
3. "Did you ever notice sound coming out of these keyboards when you put your ear down real close?"
2. "Who put decaf in the wrong pot?!?"
And the NUMBER ONE best thing t o say if you get caught sleeping at your desk...
1. Raise your head slowly and say,
" Jesus name, Amen."
28-Jun-2007 11:31:30 PM
^ noice
yayya, my very first package of love has arrived! gotta test out the new board & swag this weekend, heading down tomorrow with the boys for 3 days of hiking, whiteouts, hypothermia, shovelling.... & endless pow runs & MASSIVE airtime
and then in monday i fly out for week of riggin work overseas wooooo...cant say what or where until after it goes to air. cya'll biatches lata (yes neil, crux stuff is getting done...)
29-Jun-2007 1:31:09 PM
*waving excitedly thru the screen of the departure-lounge internet kiosk* " SEE U MOUSEY !!! "
2-Jul-2007 1:39:11 AM
backc*ntry sat- plan = 20mins ride to kicker spot, build/session kicker, 15 mins ride to guthega.
actual- 10 minutes of pow riding, 4 hours of waist deep postholing because there isnt enough snow to cover the many rivers that are normally covered. kicker spot has barely any snow on it, walk to guthega. have beers. ride pow under chair lifts.
then sunday mornin i woke up on a mates couch (not sure how i got there) and borrowed his skatey to ride back to my car. mackin down gippsland road towards kirwin, going pretty gosh darn quick down a big hill and right @ the bottom the speed wobbles set in hard.... i fly off the front and skid down the bitumen on my hands/elbows/arms/ribs/legs- by the time i come to a stop my shirt & pants are in tatters and theres a chunky trail of flesh on the road.
vey nice.
then we went pow riding all day. high five.
2-Jul-2007 11:02:35 AM
Nevamind th skatey , matey !
Train-surfing is a BLAST !!!!
Th high scool phyisicks comes in handy for counter-balancing the G-forces as ya go around th curves, and the skatey knee pads can be used to hit th deck QUICK !!! when th overhead wires and tunnels start to fill ya perirheral vision at a rate !!!
Gota go, mums takin me to th gym , cos me XR250 shit a sprocket at St Kilda yesterday:(
More blood and guts to you mousey !!!!!
7-Jul-2007 11:01:19 PM
dude, jambing is so much fun
my new d200 is alsoi lots of fun.
so are the spotiva venoms i picked up in the orient for a tidy $100, every 5.10 ever made goin for the same price but i was in too resposible a mood to get a new pair of sazis as well
yay, me = stoked
7-Jul-2007 11:02:40 PM
ps. anyone seen the new ROCK? i am supposed to trash talk it being a cruxter and all, but its a pretty gosh darn good issue imvho
7-Jul-2007 11:11:11 PM
Did you get some shots published?-}
8-Jul-2007 1:26:37 AM
On 7/07/2007 mousey wrote:
>ps. anyone seen the new ROCK? i am supposed to trash talk it being a cruxter
>and all, but its a pretty gosh darn good issue imvho
yea i saw it. very nice work mousy!!!
8-Jul-2007 8:43:58 AM
Loyalty vs Royaltys