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mouseys magical land of nonsense |
21-Apr-2007 9:32:06 AM
well i sent my guys to talk to your guys but they got a bit distracted by someone elses girls, so I drew up a contract myself (ive done a lot of these in the last couple days dude, no sweat!)
Nipple Tweaking Terms & Conditions PDF
& im prepared to do a full tweak for you James, at the same prices as last time
21-Apr-2007 9:45:46 AM
21-Apr-2007 9:50:54 AM
On 17/04/2007 Sabu wrote:
>On 17/04/2007 mousey wrote:
>>are you referring to our NYE party?
>that would explain a lot of things..... bu..but it was so traumatic that
>i've repressed into the deepest regions of my cortex.. it's gone. a mystery
> perhaps it's time to call in the hardly boys:
AHA! found it !
21-Apr-2007 11:04:35 AM
On 21/04/2007 userfriendly wrote:
>anyone want to make an offer..
ill trade my michael jordan platinum AND the packet of twistys in my lunchbox, for your babe ruth special edition
22-Apr-2007 11:56:34 PM
reason being; I picked up my Bungonia film this afternoon... shot about 8 rolls, so stoked on the results. by far the most productive 2 days ive ever had behind a camera.
effing stoked.
and no, you cant see them yet. but yes, bungonia is awesome.
23-Apr-2007 6:49:34 PM
On 23/04/2007 Macciza wrote:
>Yeah you just have to run it on an unstable virus-ridden poxbox Windoze
>Honestly you should get a Mac . . .
AHEM *Cough* *Cough*!
23-Apr-2007 8:13:42 PM
On 23/04/2007 Sabu wrote:
>AHEM *Cough* *Cough*!
Let me guess - your an accountant, right?
24-Apr-2007 9:42:41 AM
On 24/04/2007 drdeviousii wrote:
>>What is it about Apple that makes it's users unable to shut their mouths?
>we're just trying to educate you heathens.
On 23/04/2007 Sabu wrote:
as are we....
24-Apr-2007 6:30:01 PM
holy shit dude i cant believe you posted that! haha!
can't say i really see the resemblance.... and as much as i enjoy venturing into the unknown, i think ill have to give this one a miss.
24-Apr-2007 8:25:14 PM
On 24/04/2007 mousey wrote:
>holy shit dude i cant believe you posted that! haha!
>can't say i really see the resemblance.... and as much as i enjoy venturing
>into the unknown, i think ill have to give this one a miss.
Ahh, don't you mean you'll 'have to give this miss one . . ' ;-}
24-Apr-2007 10:19:34 PM
On 24/04/2007 mousey wrote:
>holy shit dude i cant believe you posted that! haha!
>can't say i really see the resemblance.... and as much as i enjoy venturing
>into the unknown, i think ill have to give this one a miss.
most importantly i can't believe i recieved that as a PM?!?!
24-Apr-2007 11:05:34 PM
On 24/04/2007 Sabu wrote:
>most importantly i can't believe i recieved that as a PM?!?!
to be honest im a touch on the worried & wierded out side that a dude was thinking of me while watching that
24-Apr-2007 11:12:50 PM
On 24/04/2007 mousey wrote:
>to be honest im a touch on the worried & wierded out side that a dude
>was thinking of me while watching that
Who says Ghost is a dude?
All your dreams could be about to be fulfilled Rodent Boy!
25-Apr-2007 12:23:54 AM
On 24/04/2007 BigMike wrote:
>Who says Ghost is a dude?
Just wondering - Do Ghost's have sex?
25-Apr-2007 9:38:33 PM
sure it's called ghost sex and it's the lastest fad amoung fetishes......
27-Apr-2007 12:59:48 PM
ghost wrote:
Mousey you might actually have yourself a stalker! Congrats man... our little rodent is finally growing up.
27-Apr-2007 1:09:21 PM
On 25/04/2007 Sabu wrote:
>sure it's called ghost sex and it's the lastest fad amoung fetishes......
EEEOOOWWW Plllleease, Barf Out, I'm Sure - Like I can really see myself in a bedsheet teddy . . .
I ment, like 'jender', you know . . .
27-Apr-2007 4:20:14 PM
On 27/04/2007 gordoste wrote:
>i love straw men
just for you:

they're slightly evil looking so don't trust them with your wallet....
28-Apr-2007 12:24:05 PM
speaking of slightly evil i just had a wicked memory....
livin in jindy and my roomie got conjunctivitis.
so we all invented a messy drinking game called c*nt-drunk-ta-vitis. it rocked. and we were drunk. and a few days later when we stopped drinkinnng and sobered up, it was gone so we all went snowboarding. (though it must be said that we went snowboarding every day whether we were tanked or not. actually the first time i ever tried a mctwist in the halfpipe i was off chops. it was funny. and i ollied out too far from the wall, so i landed on my face (seriously) in the bottom of the pipe. it hurt. it worked a lot better the second time.)
30-Apr-2007 8:17:02 PM