hahaha! that is some great random verbal dribble! get a mop, he's dribbled all over the floor! a big mop. and a small mexican lady to push it. now that would be funny. funny like haha funny, not funny like a dead clown is funny. dead clowns are not something that should be laughed at people. they are the sole reason that the big floppy shoe industry remains strong, and the kiddies don't find themselves lost in a world of chaos of evil clowns with small shoes hunting them down and forcing them into evil clown boot camps hidden around Shepparton. I'm not sure if any of you actually knew this, but the whole stone fruit industry (peaches, apricots, nectarines etc) in that area is just a front for training evil clowns, as well as their psychotic monkey slaves with forks as fingers and shovels for tails. they also run a black market in illegal chicken trafficking, non-recycled paper, and extra sugary fruit juice. not that there is anything wrong with extra sugary fruit juice. you just need to be careful with it. i remember when i was younger and a sugar addict. 5 day benders, consuming nothing but red cordial, chupa-chups, and popping sugar cubes all day long. there is nothing more irresponsible and depraved, then a child in the depths of a sugar binge. many magical wonderlands were visiting during some of my sugar trips, such as the world were people couldn't sneeze, and the land of the the talking rainbows. but that one became quite annoying, because all the rainbows could talk about was the feeling that their live were meaningless, and that the beginning and end of their existence was some how already decided in a sort of arch shape. ohwell, at least they could look forward to the pot of gold at the end, full of rainbow virgins and little mice playing 'somewhere, over the rainbow' on little violins.
ha! dude you are gold, come live in my magical kingdom of nonsense with me!
>here is nothing more irresponsible and depraved, then a child in the depths of a sugar binge.
is that even worse than a man in the depths of an ether binge?
Josh,a firm pat on the back for starting a thread that gives me a release on a somewhat "hard" forum.
As for me I have had crap sleep for the last 3 weeks due to in dietry increase in green tea,you see i didnt realise the "antioxidents" meant your gonna pee 11 times each night if you drink 1 330ml bottle,per day if you work it out it means that if i get to bed @11pm and the final get up is @6am in 7hrs "sleep" time ,i got up to pee every0.6 of an hour,which is aboutevery 37 min.I try to consume the recomonded 2-3ltrs of H2O per day,so lets work on 2.5ltrs average daily consumption.Now my average pee volume is 400ml, exacltly,so if you times 400ml by 11 pees,it seems i loose 4.4Ltrs every night,??
Any thoughts from the emperor of the magical land of nonsense?
P.S i cant stop drinking the G-Tea, as its rumoured to be the Ultimate Big Wall Energizer??
On 16/04/2007 n00bpwn3r wrote:
>If you feel the need to put people into boxes then go right ahead
as a matter of fact, hop right on in
>I wouldn't believe everthing you read.
Except in CRUX, where the editorial values and journalistic integrity are so very very high that we wouldnt allow even the slightest bit of fabrication to reach publication. *starts violently coughing*
maybe if the man was somehow shoved into a can of spam, then digitised and posted on the wiggles internet forum in the form of an add for giant black vibrators, it would then be deleted by the moderators for all time. or saved and forever trapped in the moderators computer. thats one weird moderator huh?
On 17/04/2007 alrob wrote:
>like always, the f*king man is trying to stop our fun!
~~~~~ ~> & from reference site ...
>LU said on Wednesday: >"This is a dangerous, stupid and irresponsible act that could have resulted in serious injury or death to not only the individual concerned but also other passengers.
Yeah, right.
I think it echoes similar thoughts said by the masses about climbing ?
On 17/04/2007 nmonteith wrote:
>On 17/04/2007 gfdonc wrote:
>>Sorry, nice try, but refuted - I have never climbed outdoors at all or
>>regularly in any case with any editors of any climbing magazines, certain
>>or uncertain.
>i don't think i said outdoors did i? he he!
>Your point is loud and clear gfdonc. we do need moderators of moderators.
i could do this job. clearly my sense of what is decent and proper in internet behaviour is by far the best! should i start a poll?-