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How can I edit my profile? |
15-Sep-2013 10:16:41 AM
I need to update and change some info on my profile. how do I do that? I tried twice but the info does not get saved
15-Sep-2013 11:01:20 AM
You need to log in first, then you need to click the profile icon at top of most pages you may be viewing.
Then after making any changes, click the save icon at bottom of profile page.
I have found it to be problematic sometimes, and this is solved by re-entering your password before doing the save.
Some of the problems I have come across are unwanted avitar changes, and also lost changes before the save is made, so it pays to check if they are still what you want before and after saving.
Note: This is also where you can change your password, and update your email account details if you want to.
15-Sep-2013 11:48:04 AM
that worked-I had to type and enter two times and then open profile again and re-enter but it is good now
15-Sep-2013 11:54:12 AM
On 15/09/2013 travelguy wrote:
>it is good now
I notice you have posted a couple of topics re 'help mode'.
You might like to check out other helpful items located at the help icon button top right of this page too?