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19-Jun-2008 2:49:34 PM
Welcome back Chockstone, I missed you.
19-Jun-2008 3:06:51 PM
>Chockstone is back!
~> and we are glad it is!!
Many thanks for doing the necessary 'construction' Mike, and bringing it back to us.
Due to it being offline for the last day or so I am sure many were having withdrawal symptoms through being made to go 'cold turkey'!
Would be interesting to know if cragX, qrank, etc experienced a spike in user numbers as a default result?
... I know I felt weird going north of the cyberborder! Heh, heh, heh.
[I actually posted this a little earlier but the return was obviously a trial as I soon got the dreaded
> currently under construction!
and had to come back again now to be successful].
19-Jun-2008 3:50:14 PM
Great stuff Mike!
19-Jun-2008 4:01:57 PM
i was SO scared. what would i have done if chockstone was gone forever??? i already spent too many minutes staring longingly at that 'under construction' page.....
19-Jun-2008 4:44:21 PM
i had to find a new reason to put off exam study.. tough times..
19-Jun-2008 5:01:46 PM
The domain name registration with Melbourne IT ($70 pa) came due and I decided to use a cheaper crowd (Jumba $15 pa) given I already have my photos site with them.
I tried transfering the domain, but was missing something called an EPP key (which i still don't know how to get). Then the reg ran out it when off-line forcing me to renew with Melbourne IT even though I didn't want to. So now I've paid both organisations and the trasfer still hasn't happend.
So there maybe be more off-line time yet. Here's hoping it can all be sorted out.
19-Jun-2008 5:21:27 PM
Thanks for the explanation. It's great to have Chockstone back.
19-Jun-2008 10:53:12 PM
On 19/06/2008 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>Due to it being offline for the last day or so I am sure many were having
>withdrawal symptoms through being made to go 'cold turkey'!
I felt cold, lonely and scared, very scared!
20-Jun-2008 8:43:03 AM
I kept trying to log in to talk about chockstone being off line.
20-Jun-2008 9:49:39 AM
I actually got some work done for once - I'm glad everything's back to not normal...
20-Jun-2008 10:11:04 AM
You should have got a "" address Mike instead of just ".org". $13.75 for two years through Melbourne IT.
20-Jun-2008 10:51:36 AM
On 20/06/2008 tnd wrote:
>You should have got a "" address Mike instead of just ".org". $13.75
>for two years through Melbourne IT.
5 or 6 years ago when I started the site it was devilishly hard to get anything ending in .au without paper work proving offical company or organisation. I'm just an individual. Not sure what it's like now.
20-Jun-2008 12:04:34 PM
On 20/06/2008 Mike wrote:
>5 or 6 years ago when I started the site it was devilishly hard to get
>anything ending in .au without paper work proving offical company or organisation.
>I'm just an individual. Not sure what it's like now.
Might be worth a try again?
Given that; ...
>Chockstone is a sponsored, but non-profit, non-commercial website. It provides content primarily relevant to rock climbers in Victoria, Australia.
... and has a proven track record, ... to the point that many would consider it an icon of Australian internet climbing content.
Maybe put on the application words to the effect of, "check the site to verify the claim"!
20-Jun-2008 12:42:52 PM
I was traumatised. There must be someone I can sue.
20-Jun-2008 1:14:30 PM
we had to provide an ABN when we registered an domain for the RMIT outdoors club.
20-Jun-2008 1:33:37 PM
| domains rules have been relaxed would be able to get one now...just dont go through melbourne IT..they are anal and expensive.
20-Jun-2008 2:49:00 PM
On 20/06/2008 Mike wrote:
>On 20/06/2008 tnd wrote:
>>You should have got a "" address Mike instead of just ".org".
>>for two years through Melbourne IT.
>5 or 6 years ago when I started the site it was devilishly hard to get
>anything ending in .au without paper work proving offical company or organisation.
>I'm just an individual. Not sure what it's like now.
On reflection it might not be so easy for you Mike. I speak from experience of Sydney Rockclimbing Club site, but as for the RMIT example that organisation has an existence outside cyberspace. The "" domain is limited to non-profit making organisations, community groups etc, don't know if you would qualify.
Australia has always been fairly strict in allocation of domains of all kinds.
20-Jun-2008 11:33:49 PM
here we go:
chockstone fundraising party in cave on top of 3rd pitch of bard.
how about sat 28/6? date negotiable
i am happy to arrive early and whip up some finger food (and some hand & off width food).
BYO booze, cordalette & sleeping arrangements.
We all owe mike a major debt of gratitude.
20-Jun-2008 11:38:50 PM
sounds sweet, make it 29th or later and i'll be up!
20-Jun-2008 11:54:34 PM
i'm currently free from 23 to 29 June.
time is not fixed but 28/6 would work best for me, at the moment, in terms of taking on the setting up something of the party promise.
anyone happy to contribute to this elevated notion?
we could run a poll for date.