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24-Jun-2008 3:11:10 PM
Just inherited a set of cams & wires by KROK, can't find aanything out about them bar their web site. Anybody got feedback? Should I add them to my rack or throw them in the bin?
24-Jun-2008 3:14:16 PM
25-Jun-2008 12:03:07 PM
I've got 5 of their cams. They are alright. Nothing flash but they haven't fallen to bits or anything and they have held falls no worries.
I cant see how you would have any worries with the nuts.
25-Jun-2008 12:16:04 PM
Eh ww, ... you left out the bit about you supplying the bin for him to throw them in!
... missedyachancetoscoremore?
heh, heh, heh.