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Black Diamond Camalots for Sale |
14-Jun-2011 8:39:06 PM
Hey guys,
My name is Josh, I'm a climber from the USA who spent a few months back in 2004 climbing at Arapiles and the Grampians. While I was there I climbed a fair bit with the late, great Shaggy (I think there are a few photos of us on this site somewhere).
Anyway, I'm selling off a big chunk of my rack in order to pay for some ACL surgery (since I won't be needing it for awhile). I think I can get a bit more for it by selling it in Australia than I could here, while still giving you guys a really good deal, and, honestly, I find eBay to be a major hassle and racket. So, basically I have roughly 5-6 sets of Black Diamond Camalots (all C4's), many with color-matched biners (mostly DMM Spectres), that I want to part with. All of these cams are used, and you should be aware of that, but they all work and are all on my active rack. I would NOT be selling any of it were it not for the fact that I probably won't be using it for the next 6+ months.
So, what I was sorta thinking was that I'd like to get about $65* USD or more (more as size goes up) per cam/biner combination plus shipping. I'm not sure on the exact prices for shipping - I think a lot would depend on how much packages weigh and insurance and things like that, but I'm guessing it could be kinda pricey. I do have a paypal account so that makes it easier.
Anyway, I wanted to see if there was interest, and if there is, I can post a more detailed list of what I have and possibly photos. So, if you're interested (seriously interested), email me or post here. I do have some other items too (like some DMM Spectre quickdraws) if you're also interested in those. Sorry, not selling any of my Aliens! ;)
Josh (email: joshDONOTINCLUDETHISjanesATyahooDOTcom)
*Prices adjusted, see below.
14-Jun-2011 9:02:26 PM
hey dude, bummer about the surgery. I'm looking to expand the rack a bit and was interested ubtil I saw the price. Thought I should point out to you that we can now get c4's brand new for $68 aus dollars. Probably were heaps more expensive when you were here.
14-Jun-2011 9:03:19 PM
Given that I could pick up a brand new #.3 - #.75 C4 and a spectre for $70USD + shipping I don't think you'll sell any at the price you've offered.
14-Jun-2011 9:05:44 PM
Interesting. It looks like you guys are right. Maybe I'll just go the eBay route afterall. I was basing my prices on a friend's suggestion who lives over there, but maybe he's out of touch with reality.
I'll leave the post here though in case someone wants to buy a whole bunch of them at once perhaps we could negotiate a deal.
Anyway, thanks y'all for the feedback.
14-Jun-2011 9:09:04 PM
With the strength of the AUD against the USD recently, things had to change:
14-Jun-2011 9:28:12 PM
Yeah, don't get me started on what's wrong with my country... I just had surgery w/o insurance... what an effin' nightmare.
Ok, I checked a few more Australian gear supplier sites, and also did math on my end, and I want to edit the prices I posted up initially. The best I can do would be, for sizes 0.3-0.75, with a colored DMM Spectre, $52 each plus shipping. For #1's, #2's, #3's, with the Specter 'biner, $57 plus shipping. I'm guessing shipping would be about $20 and up depending on package weight or insurance. I may have some cams available w/o 'biners... I'll try to be more specific when I get a chance to hobble into the garage and go through things!
14-Jun-2011 11:05:06 PM
On 14/06/2011 jsj42 wrote:
>Yeah, don't get me started on what's wrong with my country... I just had
>surgery w/o insurance... what an effin' nightmare.
The US has problems, but so much I hear about the medical system over there is really really really f%cked up. And the rabid resistance to any kind of change the government tried to make was unbelievable. Sorry for the OT but good luck with the recovery mate.
15-Jun-2011 12:44:22 PM
Okay, I've gone through all my gear and taken a photo of what I have for sale:
4x #3 Camalots - $55 each
3x #2 Camalots - $55 each
3x #1 Camalots - $50 each
4x 0.75 Camalots - $45 each
3x 0.5 Camalots - $45 each
2x 0.4 Camalots - $45 each
2x 0.3 Camalots - $45 each
1x Red C3 - $45
All cams come with a matching DMM Spectre 'biner.
Then I have 9x DMM Spectre draws - $120
Lastly I have a bunch of DMM colored biners - $5 each
15-Jun-2011 6:08:49 PM
I will grab your small cams.
Pm me please
cheers mic
18-Jun-2011 8:31:56 AM
Everything is still available, prices updated.
16-Jul-2011 12:58:59 AM
So, just to follow up, I've sold everything but a 0.4 Camalot and a red C3, and the draws and extra 'biners. If anyone is interested in those things, let me know.