Author | calling for donations |
18-Sep-2012 11:23:41 AM
The affable, hard-working guys at have got the site looking awesome and are constantly upgrading it.
Now they're calling for donations to help out with server costs.
They're suggesting the equivalent of $5 a month if you can afford it or anything else if $60 - the equivalent of a shoe resole or three screwgates - if you can't.
18-Sep-2012 11:41:15 AM
They should start a kickstarter campaign to fund new improvements...its a good way to get funding for projects like
18-Sep-2012 11:55:39 AM
... & more locally there may even be gov't funding grants available for such 'community projects'?
18-Sep-2012 12:56:49 PM
Govt grants can often not be worth the time in paper work for small business though...they often take red tape to a new level
18-Sep-2012 7:21:23 PM
On 18/09/2012 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>... & more locally there may even be gov't funding grants available for
>such 'community projects'?
Except it isn't a community project, it is a privately-owned commercial enterprise*
*Now I'm sure that someone is going to come back and espouse the merits of the crag for it's superb efforts to provide a free blah blah blah blah rhubarb rhubarb. That isn't what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the structure of it's ownership, not it's merit, profitability, social good, intentions or any of that jazz.
18-Sep-2012 9:40:39 PM
On 18/09/2012 hotgemini wrote:
>Except it isn't a community project, it is a privately-owned commercial
Considering a lot of computer gaming companies get there funding through kickstarter..... I think more than qualifies.
19-Sep-2012 8:32:04 AM
Does anyone else find that the Recent Ascents on doesn't work? All I get is the "wait" icon and it never displays. Tried on IE, Chrome and Safari. In fact once I log in with IE the whole site is frozen, nothing works.
19-Sep-2012 8:34:20 AM
Yeah, I just get the loading logo too.
25-Sep-2012 6:46:18 AM
As the recent ascents section of Thecrag is still not working I have found a loop hole that shows all of the rescent sends on the whole site.
25-Sep-2012 9:33:47 AM
On 25/09/2012 benjenga wrote:
>As the recent ascents section of Thecrag is still not working I have found
>a loop hole that shows all of the rescent sends on the whole site.
It works perfectly for me. Simply click the node that you want to see the ascents, and then click the number of ascents in the top left corner. Its awesome, quick and FAST !!
25-Sep-2012 9:39:01 AM
He means the recent ascents display at the bottom of the page. The RSS for them generates fine but the page fails to render them (and crag chat, etc).
25-Sep-2012 9:53:07 AM
Yep Aj has it right, the recent ascents at the base of main pages.
I email cambell about it this morning and strangly this was the first he had heard of it but he was out of town. The problem is being looked at today and should be fixed soon.