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FYI Chockstoners - this weeks deletions, etc.

3:00:35 PM
On 14-Jan-2018 Chockstone Moderator wrote:
>Today’s new UserID young23 pre-emptively disabled due having 10 prior spamming offences recorded on SFS. I did the check and got him while he was still logged on at the time. Would’ve loved to have seen the look on his face when his log-in failed after having just been accepted by the registration process!

Hmm. So what happens if a spammer also happens to be a climber, or have some other legitimate reason for joining Chockstone?

Are they forever barred due to the sin of their line of 'work'?


Post edit:
Fair enough, and thanks for the detailed reply Mod.
Chockstone Moderator
3:19:50 PM
On 14-Jan-2018 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>On 14-Jan-2018 Chockstone Moderator wrote:
>>Today’s new UserID young23 pre-emptively disabled due having 10 prior
>spamming offences recorded on SFS. I did the check and got him while he
>was still logged on at the time. Would’ve loved to have seen the look on
>his face when his log-in failed after having just been accepted by the
>registration process!
>Hmm. So what happens if a spammer also happens to be a climber, or have
>some other legitimate reason for joining Chockstone?

I check more than just the banned email address as registered with Stop Forum Spam due it belonging to a known spammer of other sites.
In the case of young23 for example; his registration detail on Chockstone indicates he comes from London, however the IP address that was used to register with us was a Spanish one.
Those who want anonymity don't usually lie about such things if they legitimately want to use this Site when their email address is obscure anyway.

Those that I have given the benefit of the doubt too, and waited to see how events unfold, have spammed us down the track; or remained as sleepers for some time and then used the PM feature to spam other individuals registered on this Site through the legitimate email addresses of those members.

>Are they forever barred due to the sin of their line of 'work'?

Almost always the answer is yes.
Our spam policy is quite clear so they have no excuse to do it to us under the banner of "work".
If they choose to have their situation reviewed then they are free to contact Site Author by email and have their situation reviewed in light of additional evidence in their favour.
So far, none have, so they remain disabled.

We have the option of putting code into the registration process for this Site, which would automatically disable the attempted registration of known spammers. So far the numbers involved have not warranted this action, and by having a manual filtering process (Moderators), it is perhaps fairer to spammers, because there are some registrations that do receive the benefit of the doubt.

If a spammer who also happens to be a climber wants to legitimately use this Site, then they need only register using legitimate non-spamming information, and if they subsequently abuse that privilege then we will deal with it appropriately at that time.
6:07:08 AM
Some necromancy/spam happening here:

[Moderator edit: Registration 8081 UserID shashank16997 disabled and the spam link that was posted has now been deleted from their post. User registrations 8082, 8083 & 8084 also checked with SFS tool and cleared as ok.]
Chockstone Moderator
6:29:03 PM
Today’s (24-Jan-2018) new UserID xiao12345 disabled due having 3 prior spamming offences recorded on SFS. Their innocuous two word introductory post of saying "Hello everyone", was deleted too. They claimed to be from Victoria Australia but were posting us from Macao.

New registrations up to number 8091 of 31/01/18 checked OK with SFS tool.
Chockstone Moderator
10:50:34 PM
Early hours* of a new month and another new User disabled. This time ID amywoods (registration 8092) and their toolbox spam (2008 thread resurrection) post deleted.

Afterwards the disablement was confirmed with SFS as having two prior convictions.

(*Chockstone time stamp is still 3 hours slow but Site Author has been unable to change that since Site migration to the new platform).

Post edit: Registration 8093 checked OK with SFS.
Chockstone Moderator
12:01:05 AM
Another early hour spammer disabled. This time 8094 registration ID dvdgett3 and their computer software spam deleted.
They tried the subterfuge of at least posting it in the For Sale section, but under the title of Textiles for sale!
It didn’t work.
A secondary check showed 3 offences recorded on SFS for it too.

Post edit 05/02/18: New registration 8095 SFS checked OK.
Post edit 06/02/18: New registration 8096 SFS checked OK.
Post edit 07/02/18: New registrations 8097, 8098 SFS checked OK
6:40:17 AM
divinocert and bamamadoum2017 disabled and Passport SPAM deleted 12/02/2018

[Moderator edits-ongoing: Five and one offences for the above registrations 8100 and 8101 respectively, on SFS.
Registrations 8099, 8102, 8103, 8104, 8105, 8106, 8107, 8108, 8109, 8110, 8111, 8112, 8113 checked as SFS ok.]
Chockstone Moderator
6:41:36 PM
New User 8114 ID DesertSafari of today disabled, and the Media Review post that they made under the title of 'book' about their tours deleted.
Full marks to them for being sneaky and posting their spam in an unusual section, but it didn't work, even though they also passed the SFS test!

Post edit 26/02/18: New registration of 8115 checked SFS ok.
Registration 8116 User ID qizhen10001 has 8 offences on SFS and was pre-emptively disabled. This User tried the trick of creating a new email account, but it didn’t work.

Edit 28/02/18: New User-registration (8117), ID akshayv disabled and two x shoe spam posts deleted.
This User also has 16 prior offences on SFS.

Post edit: New registration 8118 is OK on SFS.
Chockstone Moderator
6:25:42 PM
Registration 8119 new today (but similar to registration 8114), with User ID EduOutings pre-emptively disabled due having 7 prior spam offences recorded on Stop Forum Spam database.

Post edits: Registrations 8120, 8121, 8122, 8123, 8124, 8125, 8126 checked ok with SFS tool.

Post edit: User registration 8129 checked ok with SFS tool but remains highly suspect and will be monitored closely.

Post edit 22/03/18: User ID clarkyoung disabled and a spam link within their post deleted.

Post edit 26/03/18: User ID FATIMABANO disabled and 2 x black magic spam posts deleted.

Post edit 27/03/18: Registration 8130 User ID analters320 disabled and 2 x adidas spam posts deleted. They were online at the time of disablement and had posted the 2nd spam as I deleted the 1st. I would have liked to have seen their expression when I won the game we were playing.

Post edits: User registration 8131, 8132 checked ok with SFS tool.

Post edit 28/03/18: New User (registration 8133) with ID uniquenebosh02 pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test by having 2 prior spamming offences recorded.

Post edit 29/03/18: New registration 8134 User ID examin300 pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test by having 2 prior spamming offences recorded.
Then 5 minutes after that the same spammer re-registered (8135) with a variation of theme as ID examine300 and posted a fake documents spam post.
The new registration was disabled and the spam deleted, so their persistence did them no benefit.
While still online I returned to main page only to find yet another spammer. This time (8136) ID femmeluxe, now disabled and their online clothing spam deleted.
Chockstone Moderator
3:05:03 PM
Bumped thread due it’s been busy this week, particularly today, though for the most part I haven’t wanted to bore you with it, so have simply been editing my previous post.
Please refer to it if you want the gory details!

Post edit 30/03/18: New User (8137) ID ethelcurtis disabled, and 2 x spam posts (nail polish) deleted.

2nd post edit 30/03/18: New User (8138) ID Genniferwalker disabled and seemingly innocuous spam post (programming) deleted. The Canadian based IP address of User also has a prior offence recorded on SFS.

Another post edit for 30/03/18: A different Moderator disabled new User registration (8139) ID Willowkarlos, which also has a Canadian IP address along with 2 offences recorded on SFS.

Post edit: New registrations 8140, 8141, 8142, 8143, 8144, 8145, 8146, 8147, 8148 checked okay with SFS tool.

Post edit 09/04/18: User registration 8149 with ID kavita598 disabled by another Moderator due being a spammer (escort girls).
Chockstone Moderator
7:00:28 PM
User registration 8150 with ID Aleena disabled and five escort girls spam posts deleted.

User registration 8151 with ID SUPERGIRL9 disabled and three escort girls spam posts deleted.

User registration 8152 with ID divyagoal disabled and one escort girls spam post deleted.

Post edit: New registrations 8153, 8154, 8155, 8160, 8162, & 8163 checked ok with SFS tool.

Post edit 14/04/18: New registration 8156 with ID kriss, disabled and fake documents spam post deleted.

Post edit 23/04/18: New User id Backdoor.System020 (registration 8157), disabled and fake documents spam post deleted.

Post edit 24/04/18: New USER ID Rohini Singh121 (registration 8158), disabled and ‘escort services’ spam deleted. Interesting that the recent Indian spammers don’t have a SFS record but that doesn’t stop us being onto them.

2nd edit of 24/04/18: New User id thuyen (registration 8159), pre-emptively disabled due two prior spamming offences recorded on SFS.

Post edit 29/04/18: New User id ielts ( registration 8161), disabled and their fake certificate spam post deleted.
2:49:19 PM
User registration 1deskmoz disabled and Live Chat link deleted.

Post edit by another Mod 01/05/18: New User registration sanantonioglamour (8166) disabled and their clothing spam deleted.

[Registrations 8164, 8167, 8168, 8169, 8170, 8171 checked okay with SFS tool].
Chockstone Moderator
10:46:35 PM
10/05/18 (Chockstone time still 2 hours slow), new User registration kimberlymoriss (8172) pre-emptively disabled. A subsequent check revealed 6 prior offences recorded on SFS.
This one is a reincarnation of one that we have had before, coming back to spam us with fake certificates again and although they slept for 5 hours in our system without posting, it still did them no good.
Chockstone Moderator
2:53:44 AM
New User Jakovia (registration 8173), disabled and their magic mushroom spam deleted.
The spam seemed borderline and had me wondering for a moment due the registration details seemed legitimate, then I did a background check on SFS.
Although claiming to be from Portand Victoria, SFS has their 5 prior offences recorded as being from IP addresses in Philippines, UK, and Canada!

Stop Forum Spam site, and the tools it has, have proven to be fantastic for our use.

Post edit: Registration 8174 checked ok with SFS tool, and I thank another Moderator for amending it’s (borderline spam), link within it’s necromancy thread resurrection, yet retaining its minimalist usability of information. [Edit 22/09/18 this user beckersuzanne49 subsequently disabled due failing the SFS test with 1 entry recorded when checked again on this date. ]

2nd edit: New User hgjfdgdfd (8175) disabled and Spanish language spam (football merchandise) post deleted 12/05/18.

3rd edit: New User portugalcamiseta (8177) disabled and Spanish language spam (football merchandise) post deleted 14/05/18.

Registrations 8176, 8178, 8179, 8180, 8181, 8182, 8185, 8186, 8187, 8189, 8190, 8192 checked ok with SFS tool.

4th edit: New user johnjayson (registration 8183), pre-emptively disabled due 4 prior offences recorded on SFS... Beggar me, they posted spam (between me disabling them and my browser updating), about Vietnamese tourism while I was checking SFS, so I deleted it retrospectively!

5th edit 22/05/18: New user kommen60 (registration 8184) pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test by having a prior conviction.

6th edit 25/05/18: New user ieltschannel020 (registration 8188), disabled and fake documents spam deleted.

7th edit 30/05/18: New user noidapackersmovers (registration 8191), disabled and removalist spam post deleted.
Chockstone Moderator
8:26:29 PM
A new month and another new user pre-emptively disabled. This time liny195 (registration 8193), due failing the SFS test with 3 prior offences. These were recorded as using three different IP addresses, originating in USA, China, and USA again!

Edit 04/06/18: New user Henweielts020 (registration 8194) disabled by another Moderator. User failed SFS test with 2 prior offences, likely being fake documents, as some of these spammers have little imagination along with recurring themes!

New registrations 8195, 8196, 8198, 8199, 8200, 8201, 8202, 8203*, 8206, 8208, 8209 passed the SFS test.

Edit 5/06/18 Botello (registration 8197) disabled. User failed SFS test with various names and emails from the same IP. Posted weird message.

New registration 8198, ID beckersuzanne49 is being monitored due having a potential spam link within their post...

Post edit 17/06/18: New user pretty22 (registration 8204), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test by having 5 prior spamming offences recorded.

Post edit 19/06/18: Registration 8203* Theodore disabled. Although it still passes the SFS filter, it turned out to be a ‘sleeper’ (waited 2 days after registration), that tried the ploy of recycling a genuine eight year old post from another site, as a vehicle to spam us with.

Edit 23/06/18: New User armijoarvilla (registration 8205), pre-emptively disabled due having two prior spamming offences recorded on SFS.

Edit 26/06/18: New user jacktdom (registration 8207), disabled and website construction spam deleted.

Edit 30/06/18: New user joejonsme (registration 8210), pre-emptively disabled due ten prior offences recorded on SFS.
Chockstone Moderator
9:33:53 PM
New user ruchisharma (registration 8211) disabled, and his two removalist spam posts deleted, along with widewetandslippery and arniearms send-up reply posts that lost contxt due becoming orphan posts.

Edit 02/07/18: New user genuinepte2 (registration 8212) disabled and two fake documents spamming posts deleted.

Edit 03/07/18: New user Daisy11015267 (registration 8213) pre-emptively disabled. Passed the SFS test, but failed the google queries due being a merchandising spammer likely based in Russia.

Edit 04/07/18: New user coupedumonde187 (registration 8214) disabled and spam soccer (non-English rubbish) deleted.

Registrations 8215, 8216, 8219 passed the SFS test.

Edit 06/07/18: New user stripeman (registration 8217), disabled and pinstriping-cars spam deleted, along with an ajfclark response (U-tube video) post that I didn’t bother viewing as I have no time for spammers and can’t delete their spam if it orphans response posts, so (unfortunately) they get the same treatment.
2nd edit 06/07/18: New user movistar (registration 8218), disabled and background-searching spam post deleted.

Edit 11/07/18: New user trinity (registration 8220) pre-emptively disabled due three prior offences recorded on SFS.

Edit 13/07/18: New user komalsharma (registration 8221), disabled and removalist spam post deleted. This mob is upping the spam tone because they included a picture in their post!

Edit 14/07/18: New user rakshajain (registration 8222), disabled and removalist spam post deleted.

Edit 15/07/18: New user payalsharma (registration 8223), disabled and removalist spam post deleted.

Chockstone Moderator
6:22:33 AM
New user ukom (registration 8224), disabled and uber warranty spam post deleted.

Edit 16/07/18: New user brucess101 (registration 8225), disabled and website design spam post deleted.

[ - this space reserved for Fernandosart (registration 8226) who passed the SFS test but is extremely likely to be a (porn site??) spammer, based on investigations so far. Currently given the benefit of the doubt till proves otherwise.]

2nd edit 16/07/18: Retro-check of new-ish user robertvernon08 (registration 8195), who initially passed SFS test back on 04/06/18, but subsequently failed it today when checked for the second time (six weeks later), so is now disabled due tingling my crap detectors!

3rd edit 16/07/18: Retrospective check of user yanyan (13 weeks after initial registration) reveals user now fails SFS test after initially passing it, so consequently disabled.

Marker note: Have retro-checked most recent 8 pages of registrations being period Mid July 2018 back to mid December 2017. It netted 2 sleepers as listed above.
Chockstone Moderator
6:12:30 AM
New user PaulMarti (registration 8227), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test with 4 prior entries, and his introductory post deleted.

New registrations 8228, 8230, 8232, 8234, 8235 passed the SFS test.

Edit 20/07/18: New user ieltspartners (registration 8229), disabled and two fake documents posts deleted.

Edit 24/07/18: New user dipalika1 (registration 8231), disabled and business development spam post deleted.

2nd edit 24/07/18: New user rheajain (registration 8233), disabled and removalist spam post deleted (along with a ww&s reply that needed to be removed first so as not to orphan it).
Chockstone Moderator
1:53:00 PM
New month and new user Shaylamaymn (registration 8236), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test with 447 prior entries!

New registrations 8237, 8242, 8246 passed the SFS test.

Edit 05/08/18: New user ieltsproff020 (registration 8238), disabled and fake documents post deleted.
2nd edit 05/08/18: New user bestielts02 (registration 8239), disabled and 4 fake documents posts deleted.

Edit 06/08/18 New user rsgoldfast2018 (registration 8240), disabled and 3 currency posts deleted.

Edit 08/08/18 New User fcbarcelone1 (registration 8241), pre-emptively disabled based on the name and email address - expecting football gear spam.

Edit 14/08/18: New user shubhanisharma (registration 8243), disabled and 1 packing and movers post deleted
2nd edit 14/08/18: New user tukom (registration 8244), disabled and 1 Uber accessories post deleted.

Edit 17/08/18: New user markloe469 (registration 8245) pre-emptively disabled, due failing the SFS test by having 7 prior offences recorded.

Edit 19/08/18: New user lilijoyce (registration 8247) disabled and two fake documents posts deleted.

Edit 22/08/18: New user packersMoversDelhi (registration 8248), disabled and removalist spam post deleted.

Edit 24/08/18: New user charliemal12 (registration 8249), disabled and website design spam post deleted.

Edit 30/08/18: New user bondielts02 (registration 8250), disabled and two fake documents spam posts deleted.

Edit 31/08/18: New user weaoweict (registration 8251), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test with 2 prior entries for spamming.
Chockstone Moderator
7:26:26 PM
Registrations 8252, 8254, 8258, 8262, 8281 and 8282 passed the SFS test.
8270 - whmvideography is highly suspect & will be monitored closely, but at this stage passes the SFS test.

09/09/18 new user quie1934 (registration 8253), disabled and computer software spam post deleted.

Edit 10/09/18: New user avnijain (registration 8255), disabled and removalist spam post deleted (by another Moderator).

Edit 11/09/18: New user fastpassport2 (registration 8256), disabled and seven fake documents spam posts deleted.
2nd edit 11/09/18: New user preshita1 (registration 8257), disabled by another Moderator, and (most likely a) removalist spam post deleted.

Edit 13/09/18: New user mars10 (registration 8259), disabled by another Moderator. User, from Nigerian mostly disposable IP addresses, failed the SFS test with 14 prior spamming offences recorded.

Edit 15/09/18: New user Trompokmage (registration 8260), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test by having 47 prior spamming offences recorded. This one is another of Russian origin. Haven’t seen them for a while, but last time we did, they blitzed us...

Edit 16/09/18: New user RobertCab (registration 8261), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test with 28 prior spamming offences recorded.

Edit 18/09/18: New user AdoTaw (registration 8263), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test by having 10 prior spamming offences recorded.

2nd edit 18/09/18: New user xsKevinAnoks (registration 8264), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test by having 60 prior spamming offences recorded.

3rd edit 18/09/18: New user JosephFek (registration 8265), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test by having 440 prior spamming offences recorded.

4th edit 18/09/18: New user AgrodarLap (registration 8266), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test by having 42 prior spamming offences recorded.

Edit 19/09/18: They are coming thick and fast. When AgrodarLap was rechecked for interest at the same time as the next entry about to be made, it had gone from 42 to 49 offences recorded.

New user Hildahic (registration 8267), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test by having 756 prior spamming offences recorded.

I’m glad I got this one early (soon after registration at about 0515 hrs), because for further interest I rechecked this one two hours later and its recorded offence rate had risen to 773.
I believe many of their spams go unrecorded, but from the statistics available they are obviously hard workers.
They are also prolific with 3/4 of our new registrations over the last couple of months being spammers.
I’ve also noticed that the worst offenders are getting more tech-savvy and prefer to use disposable IP addresses.

Edit 20/09/18: New user NerazumF (registration 8268), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test by having 71 prior spamming offences recorded. This spammer is a little different from most in that it has been periodically cycling through host IP addresses from 14 different countries!

Edit 21/09/18: New user DrewMA (registration 8269), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test by having 48 prior spamming offences recorded. This user is a new spammer as those offences were committed over the last three days, mostly from Russian disposable IP addresses, but on seven occasions from other countries.

2nd edit 21/09/18: New user HelenDeeta (registration 8271), pre-emptively disabled although initially passing the SFS test, due the unique domain used has 1,000 spamming offences recorded for it.

Edit 22/09/18: Historical user beckersuzanne49 - registered 11 May 2018 but disabled 22/09/18 due failing SFS test with an entry recorded for spamming, despite my intervening checks being negative till now.
We can do without sleeper-spammers on this site.

2nd edit 22/09/18: New user Elenapop (registration 8272), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test with 70 spamming offences recorded.

3rd edit 22/09/18: New user Jimmietex (registration 8273), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test with 33 spamming offences recorded.

4th edit 22/09/18: New user GBrozavetrov (registration 8274), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test with 202 spamming offences recorded.

Edit 23/09/18: New user BarbaraDib (registration 8275), pre-emptively disabled although initially passing the SFS test, due the unique domain used has 50,080 spamming offences recorded for it.

2nd edit 23/09/18: New user SandraLon (registration 8276), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test with 43 spamming offences recorded.

3rd edit 23/09/18: New user LornakN (registration 8277), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test with 131 spamming offences recorded.

Edit 24/09/18: New user Brighterlines (registration 8278), disabled and line marking spam post deleted.

Edit 25/09/18: New user RodolfoVer (registration 8279), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test with 75 spamming offences recorded.

2nd edit 25/09/18: New user Davidadava (registration 8280), pre-emptively disabled due failing the SFS test with 16 spamming offences recorded.

3rd edit 25/09/18; Historical user flightplan (registration 8218 of 29/03/18), although initially passing the SFS test, pre-emptively disabled due the unique domain used appears in SFS listing 23 times. We can do without sleeper-spammers on this site.

4th edit 25/09/18; Historical user wisefool (registration 8173 of 11/05/18), although initially passing the SFS test, disabled today after further research revealed many similar posts to the one he made on this site, on many other sites, effectively constituting spam, though it was considered borderline at the time on this site.

[Temporary reminder list (to self) of highly suspicious registrations that warrant further investigation and / or periodic ongoing checking;

Fernandosart - possibly art / animation sales spammer? - checked several times on SFS with most recent being clear on 27/11/18.
whmvideography - possibly a wedding photos spammer? ] - checked several times on SFS with most recent being clear on 27/11/18.

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There are 327 messages in this topic.


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