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FYI Chockstoners - this weeks deletions, etc.
Chockstone Moderator
8:05:36 PM
User ID Amelia_Williams disabled and two posts (shed spam) deleted 29/06/17.
10:00:35 AM
User ID johnwilfred disabled 03/07/17.

Googled their email address - looks to have been used on other sites SPAMMing.

[Moderator edit: This one brings us to 559 of 7957 members… & counting...
After your initiative, I found this site;

... on which their search function could prove useful for us too.]
Chockstone Moderator
9:59:44 AM
On 3/07/2017 Chockstone Moderator edit-wrote:
>[Moderator edit: This one brings us to 559 of 7957 members… & counting...
>After your initiative, I found this site;

>... on which their search function could prove useful for us too.]

Historical registration User ID amit87 disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

[This is likely to be the first of a growing number of pre-emptive retro-disablements from our historical registrations; so I will restrict my updates of same to ongoing edits of this post...]

Historical registration User ID scottpapers1 disabled (again??) after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

Historical registration User ID mattwalsh disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

Historical registration User ID jokergreen0220 disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

Historical registration User ID vishall disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

Historical registration User ID LindaJohn541 disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

Historical registration User ID RobertChappell disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

Historical registration User ID aaronkoblin1 disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

Historical registration User ID jhayye disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

Historical registration User ID ngo1 disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

Historical registration User ID vishal78 disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

Historical registration User ID jonathantoussaint disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

Historical registration User ID kumarets disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

Historical registration User ID christopherfastern disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

Historical registration User ID vear disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

Historical registration User ID skem01 disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved.

Historical registration User ID david_abisha disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved (presently clear), though comments in profile indicate a probable investment or medical spammer, and I have no tolerance for anything that's even half-spurious. You can email us to review it again, if you think you are hard done by.

Historical registration User ID pattayaproperty disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved (presently clear), though comments in profile indicate a probable real estate spammer, and I have no tolerance for anything that's even half-spurious. You can email us to review it again, if you think you are hard done by.

Historical registration User ID Nestor disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved (presently clear), though comments in profile indicate a probable film or entertainment spammer, and I have no tolerance for anything that's even half-spurious. You can email us to review it again, if you think you are hard done by.

Historical registration User ID WilsonIZF disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved (presently clear), though researching of comments in profile indicate a probable recruitment service spambot, and I have no tolerance for anything that's even half-spurious. You can email us to review it again, if you think you are hard done by.

Historical registration User ID Royce disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved (presently clear), though researching of comments in profile indicate a probable lifestyle/retail/pharmaceutical/financial? spammer, and I have no tolerance for anything that's even half-spurious. You can email us to review it again, if you think you are hard done by.

Historical registration User ID AngelaOrt disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved (presently clear), though researching of comments in profile indicate a probable retail (identity theft?) spammer, and I have no tolerance for anything that's even half-spurious. You can email us to review it again, if you think you are hard done by.

Historical registration User ID Poppy47N disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved (presently clear), though researching of comments in profile indicate a probable clothing spammer, and I have no tolerance for anything that's even half-spurious. You can email us to review it again, if you think you are hard done by.

Historical registration User ID AlenaPedig disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved (presently clear), though researching of comments in profile indicate a probable retail spammer, and I have no tolerance for anything that's even half-spurious. You can email us to review it again, if you think you are hard done by.

Historical registration User ID filmneverdie disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved (presently clear), though researching of comments in profile indicate a probable retail (cameras and film) spammer, and I have no tolerance for anything that's even half-spurious. You can email us to review it again, if you think you are hard done by.

Historical registration User ID WomenCostume disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved (presently clear), though researching of registration indicates a probable retail spammer, and I have no tolerance for anything that's even half-spurious. You can email us to review it again, if you think you are hard done by.

Historical registration User ID (x space reserved for the next one x) disabled after using the above site to research previous spam history of the email address involved (presently clear), though researching of comments in profile indicate a probable retail spammer, and I have no tolerance for anything that's even half-spurious. You can email us to review it again, if you think you are hard done by.


My reminder-marker: Have reviewed up to and inclusive of Page 103 of 399 pages of registrations... ie all registrations back to 17/12/2012.

[The first 40 pages reviewed netted 18 spammers, the following 30 pages only netted 4, and the next 33 pages netted 4 more...
The further back in time the more diminishing the return for effort appears to be, though I noticed many of our confirmed spammers that we had already disabled within the earlier time-frame, were coming up as blanks when researched anew. My conclusion is that historical spammers have not yet been registered with the new database tool at our disposal, unless they are still actively using an old email address...]

NOTE: Serious question marks hang over the following ID's, that warrant further investigation; ... possible 'sleepers' adopting the tactic of embedding themselves to later emerge and spam us?

nikefd which joined 07/11/2016. [This user seems more interested in coding issues than climbing? If so, why did it join Chockstone? Reference (of several similar) Its history being too suspicious I have now pre-emptively disabled it as I have no tolerance for anything that's even half-spurious. You can email us to review it again, if you think you are hard done by.]

adams607 which joined 21/10/2015. [Another user similar to nikefd ... Reference Also may be an eye-wear merchant. Its history being too suspicious I have now pre-emptively disabled it as I have no tolerance for anything that's even half-spurious. You can email us to review it again, if you think you are hard done by. ]

easonqin2002 which joined 10/09/2015. [Further investigation reveals this user is probably a chinese tripod (cameras) retailer, so has now been pre-emptively disabled].

jhytdku60 which joined 09/09/2015.
[Further investigation reveals nothing extra at this stage, so the registration remains enabled.]

ihsnksnt which joined 03/07/2015.
sunil, (maybe not?), which joined 23/05/2015.
xa2no which joined 04/03/2015.
Kostyan which joined 26/02/2015.
BetseyKlimas which joined 17/02/2015.
LorrainFort which joined 15/02/2015.
gordiehowe11 which joined 25/11/2014.
550paracord which joined 07/10/2014.
poudelbirsha08 which joined 19/09/2014.
mjghjg which joined 08/08/2014.
post123 which joined 21/06/2014.
gds which joined 11/04/2014.
pleasantqx which joined 02/01/2014.
sigmatest which joined 19/12/2013.
re5 which joined 26/07/2013.

It would appear that spammer registrations prior to 2015 are far fewer in frequency than from that date onward.

Chockstone Moderator
9:57:19 PM
New User ID Aarontitus disabled and shoe spam deleted 06/07/17.

Post edit 23/06/21 by Chockstone Moderator.
I wrote in the above post (which can no longer be edited due various constrictions), the following:

jhytdku60 which joined 09/09/2015.
[Further investigation reveals nothing extra at this stage, so the registration remains enabled.]

ihsnksnt which joined 03/07/2015.
sunil, (maybe not?), which joined 23/05/2015.
xa2no which joined 04/03/2015.
Kostyan which joined 26/02/2015.
BetseyKlimas which joined 17/02/2015.
LorrainFort which joined 15/02/2015.
gordiehowe11 which joined 25/11/2014.
550paracord which joined 07/10/2014.
poudelbirsha08 which joined 19/09/2014.
mjghjg which joined 08/08/2014.
post123 which joined 21/06/2014.
gds which joined 11/04/2014.
pleasantqx which joined 02/01/2014.
sigmatest which joined 19/12/2013.
re5 which joined 26/07/2013.

After following up further historical registrations to pre-emptively disable spammers, the above is now amended to:

jhytdku60 which joined 09/09/2015. - disabled.
ihsnksnt which joined 03/07/2015. - disabled.
sunil, (maybe not?), which joined 23/05/2015. - disabled.
xa2no which joined 04/03/2015. - accepted.
Kostyan which joined 26/02/2015. - disabled.
BetseyKlimas which joined 17/02/2015. - disabled.
LorrainFort which joined 15/02/2015. - disabled.
gordiehowe11 which joined 25/11/2014. - disabled.
550paracord which joined 07/10/2014. - accepted.
poudelbirsha08 which joined 19/09/2014. - accepted.
mjghjg which joined 08/08/2014. - disabled.
post123 which joined 21/06/2014. - disabled.
gds which joined 11/04/2014. - accepted.
pleasantqx which joined 02/01/2014. - disabled.
sigmatest which joined 19/12/2013. - disabled.
re5 which joined 26/07/2013. - disabled.

Additionally the following historical registrations were checked (amongst many others), and pre-emptively disabled:

Chockstone Moderator
9:22:25 PM
Today's new user ID lixiaoyao1994 pre-emptively disabled 07/07/17, due being a nike/adidas spammer.
Chockstone Moderator
8:22:52 PM
New User ID Mamak00 pre-emptively disabled 11/07/2017 due email address indicates it being a fake documents spammer.

New (today) User ID yaya2017 pre-emptively disabled after researching previous spam history of the email address involved.

... Of 32 new registrations since beginning of June 2017; 12 have been disabled as spammers, and a further 3 are being closely watched, as so far they have passed our spam filtering and being given the 'benefit of the doubt'...
Chockstone Moderator
2:04:39 AM
New User ID bridgesmark disabled 15/07/2017 after it waited two days to post (hammock) SPAM (now deleted). This one had the hide to taunt me within their post due being online with them at a stupid hour!

Post edit Later in the morning: brand new User ID kontactidtf pre-emptively disabled (russian fertilisers), which has the following interesting bit in its profile;
Ćć. You do not need to do this with the help of a new search engine, just as you have an in-demand system and a code does not exist!

We didn't need the search function to recognise this spammer, but I did need google translate to confirm my suspicions, and then the search spam record tool further confirmed it!

10:32:50 AM
nice work
Chockstone Moderator
10:15:07 PM
New User ID Jessome (9:48:07 PM 15 July 2017), disabled after research confirms it as a spammer, however the 'shoe stretching' post it made is on topic and semi-relevant, so has not been deleted.
Chockstone Moderator
7:41:36 AM
New User ID raypowells1 disabled and four posts (selling fake documents), deleted 22/07/17.
11:54:34 AM
New user ID sandsmith28 disabled and posts deleted 02/08/17, due being a nike/adidas spammer.

Chockstone Moderator
8:15:38 PM
New User ID mariaevinne pre-emptively disabled after researching previous spam history of the email address involved.

Though an old topic, the What's the best way to mark your gear? thread it started has been left intact in case new Chockstone members have discovered new and better ways of doing this and care to post their results to it, as an update for the rest of us.
Depending upon any responses it gathers (or not), I may just lock it as yet another duplicate thread.
8:52:05 PM
New user ID chery disabled 7/08/2017. Email listed* on

[*A different Moderator edit: Listed twice, both from Vietnam, but from two different IP addresses.]

Chockstone Moderator
4:22:55 AM
New user ID ashkimn3 of 12/08/17 disabled, and pharmaceuticals spam deleted.
12:31:02 PM
New user ID hueenooty 14/08/17 disabled, and Shoe spam deleted.
9:31:35 AM
New user ID realifedocs0 disabled 17/08/17 based on the user name!

[Moderator edit: ... Good call as it comes up with 7 spamming prior offences when checked out with the Stop Forum Spam tool.]
Chockstone Moderator
5:35:37 PM
User ID TaniTupou disabled and four football gear spam posts deleted 23/08/17 at 7.35 pm though the time-stamp on this post is incorrect at 5.35 pm.
(Thanks also to Ado_m for the heads up, though that post was also deleted as obsolete once the others were gone).

3:15:37 PM

4:42:50 PM
Hip, hop, hooray? ~~~
Todays latest registered user brings Chockstone membership to the milestone figure of 8000...

Hmm, though it will probably be a while before we have that number of legitimate members once the number of disabled spammers* is taken into account!

(*Thanks Mods!)
7:44:43 AM
New user ID Hachi disabled 31/08/17 poor attempt to SPAM re watches!

[Moderator edit: Poor attempt yes, though cunningly waited a day after registering before posting.]

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There are 327 messages in this topic.


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