I look forward to the second by second break down of where these skilled climbers went wrong. Is it the belayers fault? Is it the bolt placement? Should they both be wearing helmbets? I believe it's the fault lies in the non removal of bolts, rendering the climb too safe.
On 30/11/2015 timbigot wrote:
>I look forward to the second by second break down of where these skilled
>climbers went wrong. Is it the belayers fault? Is it the bolt placement?
>Should they both be wearing helmbets? I believe it's the fault lies in
>the non removal of bolts, rendering the climb too safe.
Just looks like a normal day of cragging to me, Bigoted Tim. However if I had to cite something, personally, I'd suggest that there were too few alpenstocks. P
On 30/11/2015 timbigot wrote:
>I look forward to the second by second break down of where these skilled
>climbers went wrong. Is it the belayers fault? Is it the bolt placement?
>Should they both be wearing helmbets? I believe it's the fault lies in
>the non removal of bolts, rendering the climb too safe.
If only they were painted pink.
This looks way too close a call at first but then a second look reveals a pair of thongs perfectly positioned on the ground to take care of any head impact so obviously a fall was anticipated and appropriate precautions taken - all good.
everyone knows you can't get hurt in a gym, so no need to bother with proper belaying, helmets, or footwork. i do hope the gym owner had them sign legal release forms, though.
Belayer standing a bit far back but amount of rope out was fare enough as dint look like 2 much slack in system 2 me, not like edweirdos belaying anyway.
More of a worry was only 2 bits of gear between an ugly deckout an leadr.
If he had a fall b4 1st clip 'ed be looking for a new ankle minimum.