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My names adski and Im a piker. |
30-Aug-2004 10:16:16 PM
"How many times have I gone climbing with these guys and been rained on? They're cloud magnets"
"I'd rather not drive ten hours just to sit in the boot of the Subaru playing cards in the rain."
Such pessimistic thoughts got me nowhere this last weekend. Instead of catching stars in the Wolgan Valley I rounded off the corners of my campus rungs. Woo f#cking hoo.
Is it possible to pull out of a trip and not lose cred? Perhaps say the 'W' word? Well I kinda did have work to do, I am kinda short of cash, and petrol's at an all time high. When your motivation aint there the excuses, no, the *reasons* come raining down.
So I'm out of the closet, I pull out of trips, I admit it. Sometimes I'd rather just stay home.
So how was the trip Kaz?
30-Aug-2004 10:25:45 PM
my names josh and sometimes i grab draws to avoid falling on hard moves
man that therapy crap may work for alco's and but even before pressing OK i feel like im condemning myself to being the object of many a faint chuckle
as for you adski, well i share your situation if not your motivation, but so long as you dont start claiming that your campus rungs require more skil and thought than 'boring old rock', ill still love ya!!
30-Aug-2004 10:25:48 PM
30-Aug-2004 10:29:30 PM
haha ok i see what ya mean
30-Aug-2004 10:41:59 PM
Well adski, you were clearly wrong in this case...
30-Aug-2004 10:48:09 PM
It looks like someone just chucked a bucket of water on you Kim! Did it just stop raining?
31-Aug-2004 9:45:52 AM
So the weekend? Well, I went to Andys after work on Thursday and chucked my junk in the Rangie, we motored over to the hospital to get Kim who is playing doctor and uni to get Marc. From there to the Gear store to get some gear (andy forgot his leaky tent) and headded for Sydney. All was well till we got to Windsor and noticed the car required 3L of water in the radiator, after that we headded off for a Woolies to get food and drink for the weekend and dinner at a pub. The $5 steaks and beer went down great and it was back on the road to Wolgan.
2 more water stops and a couple of hours later we were on the dirt road when the suicide squad of wombats attacked, we dodged them all, except one that ambushed the back tyre from hiding, despite our best dodging attempts. arivigg in camp we setup, lit a fire, drank some port, played with the camera to get those night exsposures and got hastled by a possum (soon to become my bane for the weekend along with a bunch of currawongs and a huge crow).
We woke to a overcast morning, that cleared over breakfast to reveal a perfect climbing weather! A huge trudge up a bloody big hill left us standing at the base of Old baldy lower. Whilst Kim and Andy racked up for their climb Marc and I dug around for something to climb, Those damn Norgies are gear hogs and that includes the guide!
Eventualy we settled on Go Cat!(16) it didn't look too hard, but I hung my fat ass on a cam at the crux of the first pitch, they dont make 16's like they used to it seems. Anyhow, I pulled the roof and motored on up to the belay, brought Marc up who swore it was a 19 and sent him up pitch 2, a realy nice crack and a pitty it was only 10m long. P3 was an "unprotected face or chimney" after my luck on the first crack I was keen for a face, I did manage to get a cam and a slung tree on the way, after belaying marc up we decidewd to solo the final pitch and wait at the top for the Norgies. An un-evetfull abseil and a bush bash later and we are back in camp placing bets on when an Adski would arive.
The oldies cooked a stack of food so I ate theirs and we sat around a perfert fire drinking port & jagermister waiting for Adski to arive as we forgot a cork screw and couldent get into the good stuff. Once again the possum came out to play and annoyed us all, I tried to convince Kim we could do a route on Big Glassy and Tom and Brioney arived spraying about his new bike, we all had a few drinks and a yarn then off to bed
Next morning dawned to the sounds of a currawong having a fight with our wock and tom playing with his bike (which he managed to nacker himself with in the first 10 mins). Coffee was cooked and tents were shaken till the old bones got out of bed and the day was planed. Another huge slog left us at the coke ovens, Andy and Kim gave cactus(18) a burl( now equiped with a 12nut thanks to a 4m bounce test by kim), tom and Brioney gor on Organ grinder (15) and Marc and I took the easy option of Barrel organ(13) as he was relying on cliping bolts with Linda and i was waiting for an Adski to climb something harder with. Pitch 1 and 2 run together is a highly recomended lead and I had stacks of fun, even remembering how to jam! Pitch 3 & 4 were ordinary and interspersed by a huge rock fall off to the left for spice! Marc was soo keen to get off it he climbed past the exit ledge into some gully. The abseil and rope jamming out of it was intense as was marc's swearing and I was shure he was contemplating leaving the rope and jumping off in frustration!
By the time all 3 partys had arrived at the cactus abseil we were all ready to call it a day (we realy needed an Adski to get the others out of bed early as even Tom's ritual "ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHH F#$K this i want to climb!" was ignored). I eyed off sizzler but didn't have any willing seconds, and I had sore feet anyhow.
That night saw then end of the Jagermister, 2 bottles of port a 6pack of beer and a bottle of red. I managed to trap the possum which erupted into a ball of grey fury and ran away for good and masterd the art of snus packing. Everyone was buggered and we hit the hay.
Sunday dawned misty, being woken by currawongs and other noisy critters that Tom had left foor for before he left early, we were aprehensive about the weather but still keen to check out the coal mines, Andy managed to fill his pack with fish sauce and forget his cammel for the 3rd day in a row(cammel not he fish sauce), we hiked entusiasticly up the easiest hill so far and all we got was a look before it started raining. We all decided to come back, that place is impressive.
So with rain in the air we left the Wolgan til next time, stopping to fill the rangie with water every 2 hrs and for kfc in Windsor.
All in all a top weekend. Ofcourse it would have been better if we had an Adski, bit he was being a pussie. (Im realy bitter about him arent I?)
31-Aug-2004 10:04:21 AM
Andy took these:
Top:Mountain hard man kim, Old baldy at night, top of Go cat!
Middle : 3 stoogers, Nick Marc and Kim.
Bottom:Tree at night, my stove, Tom and Briony.
Funny I cannot see any rain there... And just so you feel beter, some others Trent, jj, jase and some other norgies piked as well.
31-Aug-2004 11:54:36 AM
Thanks for the report Kaz, it's just like being there, but without the chewing tobacco headache.. I wish I was there to see Kim's 4m bounce test, I bet there was some Nordic swear words! Nice work Kim for getting on Cactus, it's a stellar route hey?. Now your climbing ability has exceeded your ability to swear in english? ;-)
> All in all a top weekend. Of course it would have been better if we had an Adski, bit he was being a pussie. (Im realy bitter about him arent I?)
Nick, I was wondering which of your affectionate adjectives you'd pull from your quiver to describe my efforts. You say pussy, I say piker. Either way I'm stronger for getting in two campus sessions! (yeah, right!).
>And just so you feel beter, some others Trent, jj, jase and some other norgies piked as well.
Yeah, I ran into Trent at Touching the Void on Friday night along with some other old climbing friends. His plan was to get up at 5am Sat morn to go to Nowra + meet up with the J-Team + tick mid-20's, ho-hum.
31-Aug-2004 11:58:56 AM
Some more photos from this piker's weekend:
It took a few tries to get this move down pat, but I eventually got it. I found if I just concentrated on my technique + footwork, it was so much easier.
31-Aug-2004 12:03:16 PM
your so shick mr adski.
31-Aug-2004 12:35:50 PM
FANTASTIC STUFF !!! , Adski,Kimbo & Nick --- you guys are trully pioneering the future-text/image-whole-some-total-package-education/experience, Chockstone-thread-format ...
Luv HEX ...
' The-french-guy-political-buffer-zone'...
31-Aug-2004 2:39:00 PM
Adski, You bear more than a passing resemblance to your user icon. Ha!
31-Aug-2004 5:19:40 PM
>>Nick, I was wondering which of your affectionate adjectives you'd pull
>from your quiver to describe my efforts. You say pussy, I say piker. Either
>way I'm stronger for getting in two campus sessions! (yeah, right!).
Well AB I think pussy-piker is probably the best way to describe your effort. And that goes for Little Miss B as well, I can still hear her empty promises of "chasing bolts together" ringing in my ears.
Oh and Nick seems to have a much better head for snooze than you. He took to it like a pro (or like a piker takes to his campus board). I see a promising future of substance abuse ahead of that young man.
31-Aug-2004 8:05:56 PM
Yep marc I worked the guilt angle with Linda thursday to no avail:
"oh, poor marc won't have anyone to climb sport with. Puhleease!"
"No! my chickens are more important"
Actually, _she's_ the one who started the landslide come to think of it. I spent most of thursday calling round for partners for the long drive, the only potential companion I had was some exchange student bumbly. I've had enough of babysitting, sure you understand. I called tim, trent, leroy, jase, blah blah blah i'm really reaching now....
Oh, another reason for pussy-piking: I no longer have a drivers licence.
Ok I'll stop now.
thanks all for understanding, especially marc. I promise to return the favour when appropriate.
founding member, pussy-pikers anonymous.
31-Aug-2004 8:16:37 PM
Marc, Christina's reading over my shoulder and she's pointed out some interesting phrases in your post: She would like an explanation:
"better head"
"took to it like a pro"
And she wants to see the rest of the photo of you three in Wolgan
31-Aug-2004 8:50:31 PM
For the other photos of the stoogers you need a credit card ;)
I dont remember you having a snus hedache, i remember you dissapearing and having a un-planed lie down in the shrubbery!
Maby you could make it up to us by coming to eagle rock with me the weekend after this?
"Actually, _she's_ the one who started the landslide come to think of it. I spent most of thursday calling round for partners for the long drive, the only potential companion I had was some exchange student bumbly."
Yeah pass that buck! also i saw that bumbly at the gym tonight, he wasnt that bad, in face i would probly pick him over me, talks less and won't hog the lead, just your sort of guy. And not having a drivers licence? How did this happen? Even i still have a licence, Shurely you cannot be booked for running down Chris's in car parks.
31-Aug-2004 9:06:31 PM
By the way....
How can Linda in her right mind set a pussy to watch over her three chickens? Something doesn't add up here.
The pictures from this weekend aren't overly exciting. Just a lot of starry skies and award worthy moonlight shots...
31-Aug-2004 10:09:05 PM
Here's a good one of the grinning Nick. This is before the possum suckered him out of most of his food, so he had to rely on the culinary skills of Kim, Marc and me.
"Hey... Why isn't the f**king possum going into the trap? Oh... would you look at that. There's no more tuna in the trap (again). Better put some more in, and pay better attention this time"
-Nick, on possum trapping-