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Buffalo Aidfest - 21 & 22 November 2015. |
16-Dec-2015 3:26:32 PM
>and discovering that combined free-style+aid moves are legitimate
Good to C that U lot R progressing out of the dark age.
Yeh, and a good thoughtful TR that almost gets me to wanting to emulate Ur experience.
Almost being the operative word, cept 4 the aid climbing bits.
I award U full eduardis 4 Ur combined achievments.
16-Dec-2015 6:04:48 PM
Great TR M9:) I really enjoyed the flow of it and the pics.
Notwithstanding the sadness I feel having not succeeded in getting up the wall, I really enjoyed the experience and look forward to next time...
16-Dec-2015 11:52:47 PM
On 16/12/2015 gnaguts wrote:
>Yeh, and a good thoughtful TR that almost gets me to wanting to emulate
>Ur experience.
>Almost being the operative word, cept 4 the aid climbing bits.
So Ur all mad keen on the abseiling, jumaring, bivvying an' whisky drinkin' Gaggin?
17-Dec-2015 8:04:12 AM
On 16/12/2015 phillipivan wrote:
>So Ur all mad keen on the abseiling, jumaring, bivvying an' whisky drinkin' Gaggin?
nup, but tha old bloke describing getting off on it was kinda inspirational, unlike Ur sicking Ur mate Kurt Schwitters - Ursonate on2 me, tho tha bit where he sounded like chanting Tibetians was ok.
R U in2 these otha 4rms of gettin high on a regular basis? If so Im gonna nominate U 4 tha prestigous heavyw8 eduardi 2015 award.
17-Dec-2015 2:51:46 PM
Thanks gnaguts, as I think you may have actually picked up on the flavour embodied in the line 'a wall can be so much more than just the climbing of it'.
Thanks too M75. If you don't get up Ozy sometime soon with PI, or ODH, then you'll have to dragoon me into accompanying you up it; ... if that is what is required to keep your inspiration going for it!
It really is worth the effort.
17-Dec-2015 4:22:23 PM
If by getting high you means having a general familiarity with 20thC art, yes. If you mean smokin' blunts and droppin' eckies, well not so much.
18-Dec-2015 11:18:42 AM
Another good write M9, been reading this on and off since yesterday....although not as good as your phone convo TR...