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Stonking Big Offwidth Finish to Caligula |
12-Feb-2015 11:10:43 AM
The more recent photo looks like it was taken with a telephoto lens and the second looks like it wasn't.
A telephoto lens will compress the perspective of the image, hence it looks thinner than the photo on the front of the old Watling guide.
Voila! Magic.
12-Feb-2015 12:25:02 PM
On 12/02/2015 wallwombat wrote:
>The more recent photo looks like it was taken with a telephoto lens and
>the second looks like it wasn't.
>A telephoto lens will compress the perspective of the image, hence it
>looks thinner than the photo on the front of the old Watling guide.
>Voila! Magic.
No telephoto in the recent pic.
Online Now
12-Feb-2015 12:48:22 PM
I think they're just taken from slightly different angles. If I still had a photosyth account it'd map it out for me.
12-Feb-2015 6:03:56 PM
Point taken Neil, I'll emulate Country Road with two bolts: it being the benchmark for 24 offwidth in the oval area.
Wendy, I'm sorry I seem to have irritated you. Having now been informed this isn't so difficult to do I'll be more careful about having opinions next time :)
12-Feb-2015 7:12:06 PM
On 12/02/2015 MattJ wrote:
>Wendy, I'm sorry I seem to have irritated you. Having now been informed
>this isn't so difficult to do I'll be more careful about having opinions
>next time :)
Gosh, you think that was me being irritated? Because I was expressing the opinion that it in no way looks like a 24 and offering some examples of why? Next time I'll take a leaf out of the ODH book on how I express myself.
12-Feb-2015 7:16:49 PM
On 12/02/2015 MattJ wrote:
>Point taken Neil, I'll emulate Country Road with two bolts: it being the
>benchmark for 24 offwidth in the oval area.
You have missed the point.
Yes there are two bolts in Country Road, BUT they are a belay, and NOT protection.
... I seriously doubt it will end up Gd 24 too, due not being at all like the roof of Country Road.
12-Feb-2015 8:15:54 PM
Yep you might even be right - it was steeper and longer in the rose colored glasses of my memory - but you've still managed to be a mildly unpleasant downer about a route that no-one has laid hands on yet. Think I'll heed the wiser heads and leave this forum alone...
12-Feb-2015 8:28:05 PM
On 12/02/2015 MattJ wrote:
>Point taken Neil, I'll emulate Country Road with two bolts: it being the
>benchmark for 24 offwidth in the oval area.
>Wendy, I'm sorry I seem to have irritated you. Having now been informed
>this isn't so difficult to do I'll be more careful about having opinions
>next time :)
I like MattJ, he's funny.! I reckon go ahead and put your two bolt (porcine pro only) belay in; and then gun it to the top. Don't forget your TR and pics... And tape. And cojones;)
12-Feb-2015 8:46:10 PM
On 12/02/2015 MattJ wrote:
>Yep you might even be right - it was steeper and longer in the rose colored
>glasses of my memory - but you've still managed to be a mildly unpleasant
>downer about a route that no-one has laid hands on yet. Think I'll heed
>the wiser heads and leave this forum alone...
You sought feedback on a public forum.
Take it or leave it, but if you think my (or Wendy's), replies were harsh, then I don't think you will feel too good if any dangerouser cliffs anti-bolt fairies take notice of a new overbolted climb at Buffalo which is anathema to some...
12-Feb-2015 8:48:20 PM
On 12/02/2015 MattJ wrote:
>Yep you might even be right - it was steeper and longer in the rose colored
>glasses of my memory - but you've still managed to be a mildly unpleasant
>downer about a route that no-one has laid hands on yet. Think I'll heed
>the wiser heads and leave this forum alone...
Fear not MattJ, go forth and claim your prize. It might have been climbed before, it might not have. Either way, it's never been climbed by MattJ before;)
Climb it in the best style possible. Have a rip roaring good time and when you top out ,bask in the knowledge that whatever grade it is, it was RAD... Ergo, you too are RAD;)
12-Feb-2015 8:52:47 PM
On 12/02/2015 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>You sought feedback on a public forum.
>Take it or leave it, but If you think my (or Wendy's), replies were harsh, then I don't
>think you will feel too good if any dangerouser cliffs anti-bolt fairies
>take notice of a new overbolted climb at Buffalo which is anathema to some...
I'm still waiting for my DCA t-shirt... Is there a union rep I can complain to? ;)
12-Feb-2015 9:02:04 PM
On 12/02/2015 Miguel75 wrote:
>I'm still waiting for my DCA t-shirt... Is there a union rep I can complain to? ;)
I don't know, but read somewhere that ODH might know of one.
I also heard there is fairly strict admission criteria to that mob, to be met first...
16-Jun-2015 3:16:09 PM
Have not heard about this getting done by MattJ...
It would be one of the few climbs half protected from the weather up there at the moment...
How long does etiquette propose (given it has been 'bagsed' of sorts), before it is open slather?
17-Jun-2015 7:47:48 AM
On 16/06/2015 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>Have not heard about this getting done by MattJ...
>It would be one of the few climbs half protected from the weather up there
>at the moment...
>How long does etiquette propose (given it has been 'bagsed' of sorts),
>before it is open slather?
1500 today. Then it's open slather;)
17-Jun-2015 8:09:18 AM
Funnily enough, open and slather are two words that come to mind about this line.