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28-Apr-2004 12:36:34 AM
hey i looked through the info pages and previous threads but couldn't find any info about this, maybe someone else can help out.
ever heard of a stick clipping knot? i've seen it done but didn't watch carefully enough to remember how but i thought it was a very cool technique and wish i remembered it last weekend. it was something like a knot with 3 loops in it, somehow they attach the draw to the stick and one sits over the gate. 2 lines get trailed to the person holding the stick, he moves it up to the bolt, pulls one cord to pull the gate open, makes the clip, then pulls the other cord and the whole thing comes apart and viola, ready to go.
familiar to anyone? or am i releasing some long hidden secret passed down only to those who are cool enough to be brought into the secret club.
28-Apr-2004 4:24:23 AM
rich has a very secret patented knot.....i also forgot how it was done but would like to be reminded
28-Apr-2004 8:57:42 AM
It is less complicated than people expect:
1) from a generous loop of rope, grab two bights about 20cm long and adjacent to each other - one in each hand;
2) tie these loops together around the end of your chosen stick with a simple overhand knot (which is the first bit of a shoelace knot);
3) adjust/tension the knot, since it will be quite insecure;
4) decide which end you are going to loop around the biner and hence which end of the knot to pull;
5) gingerly raise the knot and stick to biner;
6) slowly pull in the rope till it is snug on the gate;
7) yank rope.
there was of this on
28-Apr-2004 9:48:35 AM
you have to get the right loop in the 'biner othewise you just end up with the rope knotted round the 'biner. its pretty funny watching other people get it wrong....
28-Apr-2004 11:20:21 AM
Will, how about a piccy so I can add it to the tech tips?
28-Apr-2004 12:16:18 PM
okay i took these pics a while ago with the intention of sending them in somewhere. I also had seen people do it and didn't know how so i sat down and played with it until i worked it out...

Note that the end that you pull in the 3rd pic is the closest end (to the camera) and will be the end you tie into to.
It's also easiest i found if you tape the knot to the stick as it can get jammed if you tie it on.
28-Apr-2004 1:04:49 PM

better? ;) its not complicated you just pull the inside loops thru one another but i see what you mean so same same but different .. i have put the stick before where yours ends up but its pretty loose and tends to fall off.i reckon taping it as well is simple and more effective.. but whatever as long as it gets clipped hey..
also pulling the other strand of the rope in my pic would leave the draw incorrectly clipped ie running from front to back. altho if you turned it around first it works fine.
28-Apr-2004 2:54:51 PM
Okay, I've added it to this page:
28-Apr-2004 3:56:14 PM
It's probably best titled "Stick Clipping an Existing Quickdraw"
And like WM said the last point removed and replaced by something like-
-"Keep pulling rope until the rope forces the gate open and clips the draw"
-"Pull stick away and knot should fall away with rope clipped in. If it doesn't untie, just pull the other rope to untie the knot"
28-Apr-2004 3:56:28 PM
On 28/04/2004 WM wrote:
>I use this knot for pre-clipping the first draw - ie to get the
>rope into a quickdraw which is already placed.
On 28/04/2004 anthonyk wrote:
>...somehow they attach the draw to the stick...makes the clip...
Now I'm confused. The original poster seemed to be talking about tieing the quickdraw to the stick by using the rope rather than tape? Will is talking about clipping the rope through a draw that is already in place?
Dar Rich! A few seconds faster than me. Okay, I've updated the page again.
28-Apr-2004 5:54:24 PM
Hey anthony, if you do mean clipping a draw into the bolt with the rope attached then I can show you how to do that, otherwise this thread has told you how to do it on a climb with the draw already in place.
Don't Trango make some funky widget that allows you to do all this as well as unclip?
28-Apr-2004 5:56:08 PM
Mike's link from this page above tells you how to do a normal stick clip.
28-Apr-2004 9:57:57 PM
>I doubt it's the former - there's no point using this knot to open the
>gate to clip the bolt when its so much simpler to just prop the gate of
>the draw open with a twig or pebble.
the idea was to do it tape-free. come to think of it, i may be confusing two different methods here, i think my imagination may have got the better of me.. i think the clipping the rope in the pre-placed draw was what i was thinking of and somehow confused it with placing the draw as well. although that would be cool if you could stick-place the draw tape-free (i don't usually carry the stuff and hate raiding a 1st-aid kit for that sort of thing)
>I don't imagine he takes a viola to the crag either! :)
hmm.. i think you've got me there.
28-Apr-2004 10:14:12 PM
I just use duct-tape and rig it so that the tape pulls away on the stick. No fancy knots required.
29-Apr-2004 5:40:09 PM
A bit of a suggestion....
I don't own a video camera, but if I did, this would be a classic example of where it might be quite useful. Can someone produce a short video clip on how to hook the rope into a quickdraw that is already in place, and maybe submit it to the Tech Tips section or something??
30-Apr-2004 10:17:53 AM
>how to do it on a climb with the draw already in place
It would be a bummer if the krab being clipped had its gate opening the wrong way up ...
Elastic band on gear on a cheater stick, works fine for me on some aid climbs.
(PS: Hooks work excellently in hangerplates!)
1-May-2004 2:02:04 PM
Back to the funky knot technique... has anyone else noticed that no matter how much you check and anticipate and check again there is an absolutely even chance of back-clipping the draw?
1-May-2004 10:25:39 PM
Back clipped? Then just tie into the other end of the rope, right?
1-May-2004 11:22:39 PM
I didn't think a stick clip was such a difficult issue.
This thread proves me wrong..
Guys, if you can't get a stick-clip thread together, forget about it.
It boggles my mind really.
3-May-2004 11:46:10 AM
>On 1/05/2004 jjobrien wrote:
>Back clipped? Then just tie into the other end of the rope, right?
What... and pull sixty meters of rope through the thing?
I thought this was a sport climbing thread.