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3-Jun-2008 5:18:51 PM
bumbly forecast, high to extreme
3-Jun-2008 5:28:19 PM
Moderator edited post as per Chockstone Policy.
• Posts containing extremely offensive language, blatant racism, sexual
harassment, or out right personal attacks on other forum members are unacceptable.
3-Jun-2008 5:46:28 PM
On 31/05/2008 rhinckle wrote:
> big roll *of butcher's paper outside the pine dunnys to start and continue
>trolls on.
>and a moderator to remove offensive material and recycle it as toilet
>paper.(*bog roll)
No fair! the trolling competition starts on the w/end n00bpwn3r.
You coming ? ... or maybe can supply boxing gloves for the implied event?
Heh, heh, heh.
3-Jun-2008 10:19:42 PM
On 3/06/2008 hero wrote:
>bumbly forecast, high to extreme
Yeah, I heard you and Eduardo were planning on heading out this weekend.
I might add to the bumbly count myself with some evening bouldering on a few of the easier problems.
4-Jun-2008 11:05:30 AM
Ouch. That smarts.
"bouldering on a few easier problems"
is that a euphemism?
4-Jun-2008 11:43:58 AM
i heard that the best thing simey did in nowra was an offwidth crack....
4-Jun-2008 1:18:49 PM
As opposed to an offwidth face?
5-Jun-2008 11:07:17 PM
Any body heading out Friday afternoon?
6-Jun-2008 6:31:59 AM
Kezza wrote;
>Any body heading out Friday afternoon?
Captn_Mulch, Carlos and IdratherbeclimbingM9 will be there.
Have received indications from some others to that effect who have not confirmed ...
Weather forecast is 4 to 16 each day with fresh at times SW winds. Some patchy rain developing late Monday.
Safe travelling everyone.
6-Jun-2008 5:35:43 PM
On 3/06/2008 n00bpwn3r wrote:
[Moderator edited post as per Chockstone Policy.
• Posts containing extremely offensive language, blatant racism, sexual
harassment, or out right personal attacks on other forum members are unacceptable].
Wow, sounds like you were actually there n00bpwn3r. But, if you were there you would know the real story. And be quite embarrased by the inacuraccy of your post. You should keep your silly mouth shut. Before you start offending and upsetting people.
And on the subject of the instructors accreditiatiuon. Seems to be a qualified guide now though. I guess there's a difference when you get a competent assesor.
6-Jun-2008 5:49:32 PM
On 6/06/2008 Cool Hand Lock wrote:
>And on the subject of the instructors accreditiatiuon. I love the standards of the instructors: fails those whom you don't like, pass your friends. I guess your either in the "In Group" or your not allowed to piss on their cliff.
Absolute garbage.
6-Jun-2008 10:53:17 PM
On 6/06/2008 simey wrote:
>On 6/06/2008 Cool Hand Lock wrote:
>>And on the subject of the instructors accreditiatiuon. I love the standards
>of the instructors: fails those whom you don't like, pass your friends.
>I guess your either in the "In Group" or your not allowed to piss on their
>Absolute garbage.
aahh sweet controversy
Regardless of whether you are "in" or "out", "accredited" or not you've got to admit it is bad form to
piss on the cliff during an accreditation. Despite the fact it gets rather smelly, what would the students
7-Jun-2008 5:52:34 PM
Well the first day of the chockstone gathering is going very well, with objectives completed and only one
minor injury, I'll let WW&S tell you more about that himself, so many people at the piles today, very
typical of a long weekend, and only one ambulance! I hope whoever it was called for is OK!
10-Jun-2008 7:42:54 AM
Well, we were all there!!
Trip report to follow...
5-Nov-2008 11:42:15 AM
On 1/05/2008 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>>The Chockstone site is likely to celebrate 100,000 posts and 3000 registered members in this its sixth year of ongoing service to the climbing community.
>WELCOME to Kenny Lui
>from Hong Kong who is our 3,000th registered member.
>as per data off site just now ...
>Of 3000 Members 177 Logged In Today 1 Now
>Welcome to our newest member Kenny Lui from Hong Kong who joined us on
>Congratulations Kenny (and Chockstone), in achieving this milestone!
It happened.
... What happened I hear the cybermasses saying?
100,000 (+) POSTS!
Congratulations Chockstone!
Crank ^, clip, hooray!
Crank ^, clip, hooray!
For they are jolly good Chockstoners, for they are jolly good Chockstoners ~> & so say all of us! etc!
Many happy climbing returns!
Big group hug, warm’n’fuzzy feelings all round!
For the statistically minded I did a number crunch back in August, and reconfirmed my findings again in late September, that we would be hard pressed to achieve the 100,000 mark by end of this calendar year based on the average weekly post numbers at that time.
... However soon after (October onwards), the posting rate quadrupled(!) due to threads like ‘climbing = dating’, ‘N008ie mistakes???’, ‘Gilgamesh FFA’, ‘Climbing and Diet’, etc.
Last Friday we still had something like 400 to go to achieve the mark. Skip a couple of days and log in now to find we exceeded it by 90 (or so), and incidentally are up to 3245 members now...
~> so it seems like we came through the crux runout OK.
Heh, heh, heh.
5-Nov-2008 12:13:09 PM
You have FAR to much time on your hands man :)