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3-Mar-2014 9:09:10 PM
Its upon us again.
This easter saturday. Films, Food & Booze. Whats not to like?
And the call for entries is open.
Get your films in and get free entry on the night and be in the running to win one of the prestigious golden goats (with accompanying prizes).
For those of you who didn't quite get your films done on time last year...This should be a doddle. Just polish them off and send them in... For everyone else, there's still loads of time.
5-Mar-2014 8:51:55 PM
I'm interested what are the guidelines for the entries? Length? Etc does it need to be Australian content? Or can it be footage from overseas?
5-Mar-2014 8:58:45 PM
On 5/03/2014 brendan wrote:
>I'm interested what are the guidelines for the entries? Length? Etc does
>it need to be Australian content? Or can it be footage from overseas?
Murray kayaking has nothing to do with climbing?
Heh, heh, heh!
6-Mar-2014 12:00:48 AM
On 5/03/2014 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>On 5/03/2014 brendan wrote:
>>I'm interested what are the guidelines for the entries? Length? Etc
>>it need to be Australian content? Or can it be footage from overseas?
>Murray kayaking has nothing to do with climbing?
>Heh, heh, heh!
No i won't be using any Kayaking footage M9. I started back climbing this week, when you in Canberra next?
6-Mar-2014 1:03:38 PM
Climbing (or related) themed is essential.
International content is very welcome.
Short is good (<15min). But, if its great, longer is acceptable. Last year the films which won the audience and jury awards were a (longish but well made) film about walking/scrambling in NZ and one about slacklining at Araps and in the blue mountains.
What did you have in mind?
6-Mar-2014 1:04:29 PM
On 6/03/2014 brendan wrote:
>No i won't be using any Kayaking footage M9. I started back climbing this week, when you in Canberra next?
You could have filmed scrambling on the iconic choss at Nildotte along the way, & that would have qualified...
... ~> Sorry, just returned from the 'bra yesterday!
6-Mar-2014 3:36:39 PM
I've got a few bits and pieces of footage i could use, was thinking either an extended edit of this or maybe some footage i got from a solo trip on Ozzy last year
6-Mar-2014 5:14:28 PM
Editing is a good skill to demonstrate
6-Mar-2014 7:59:26 PM
On 6/03/2014 brendan wrote:
>I've got a few bits and pieces of footage i could use, was thinking either
>an extended edit of this or maybe some footage
>i got from a solo trip on Ozzy last year
Don't feel you need to extend it for our benefit. We'd rather show lots of short films than a couple of long ones...
Put the ozzy one together and send them both in is my advice. If you feel like there's something important you needed to say in the other film that you didn't manage to get across in this edit then revisit...But just adding more stuff just because you have it is rarely a good idea.
10-Mar-2014 11:46:08 PM
Hey Davey
What's the details and deadline for submitting a film?
Hoping to do something on the Dog . . .
11-Mar-2014 8:22:04 AM
That would be great Macciza, needs to be done.
If you could get it to me by about a week before Easter that would be great.
11-Mar-2014 8:52:15 AM
On 6/03/2014 Dave J wrote:
>Short is good (<15min). But, if its great, longer is acceptable.
Short is good, but I would say that 'short' is under 5mins. Even 5 mins can seem like a very long time if it includes a lot of repetitive, unedited footage. Anything approaching 15mins is loooong.
>Last year the films which won the audience and jury awards were a (longish but
>well made) film about walking/scrambling in NZ and one about slacklining
>at Araps and in the blue mountains.
I thought both films that won were pretty ordinary and barely had anything to do with climbing. The fact that they won was more due to a lack of worthwhile entries. A couple of the climbing films submitted would have been great with just a bit more editing.
11-Mar-2014 9:59:18 AM
I'm with Simey on the length - anyone remember the endless 17ming of slacklining film a few years ago?? It was so long and repetitive it was almost funny if it wasn't also rather painful.
Short, sharp and snappy is great. I have a script for my next film, but if I don't get it done, you can blame West Wimmera Health Service for giving me my first real job in years.
I quite liked the girls walking film last year, even if it wasn't really climbing. The slacklining one I though was a little long and moralistic, but I was impressed that he did something that engaged with climbers about the anchor issue. Even if I still think there's a shitload of unnecessary anchors up there.
11-Mar-2014 10:45:28 AM
And that one about the guy doin the tyrolean up in QLD...that was way too long and wack, :)
11-Mar-2014 10:57:07 AM
On 11/03/2014 shortman wrote:
>And that one about the guy doin the tyrolean up in QLD...that was way too
>long and wack, :)
'Making Dreams Come True'...The best film to never win at Goatfest.
11-Mar-2014 11:06:28 AM
On 11/03/2014 simey wrote:
>On 11/03/2014 shortman wrote:
>>And that one about the guy doin the tyrolean up in QLD...that was way
>>long and wack, :)
>'Making Dreams Come True'...The best film to never win at Goatfest.
consider it evening out for the willy film.
Anyway, there wasn't any climbing in it ....
27-Mar-2014 7:45:54 AM
Just bumping this as a community service.
27-Mar-2014 5:35:22 PM
There is still a week or so left to get your films in.
If you are looking for incentive to get you over the line, The winners of the Jury's choice and Public prize will both receive $200 vouchers from the Arapiles Mountain Shop (Thanks Phil).
3-Apr-2014 10:38:53 AM

15-Apr-2014 4:41:51 PM
Bump ...... again