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8-Jan-2010 7:16:38 AM
Hey, I had my gear on eye of the tiger a long time ago, and ended up leaving the country. A friend of mine was projecting the route too, so I left the gear on for him with the idea that he would take it down once he was finished with it.... As he hasn't answered any of my emails ever since, I am guessing that the gear is gone (and that he didn't retrieve it)
I realize that it was a long time ago >about a year i think, but i thought it might be worth does anyone know where it is?
8-Jan-2010 8:21:38 AM
The gear was taken down a couple of weeks ago. Nick Sutter has it, with the intention of returning it to its owner, Dave?
8-Jan-2010 9:08:12 AM
ahh thanks, actually Dave is the one who didn't take it down for me!!! (grrrr)
If you see nick could you let him know that it's my stuff.
8-Jan-2010 9:49:45 AM
No problem, I'll sort out getting it back to you.
8-Jan-2010 11:23:13 AM
Hi Esther
It should actually be "Dave was the one who didn't take it down because he couldn't!"
Having children makes you weak.
But have faith, I never forgot about it (as some of it was my gear too).
It was actually me who bribed Nick to get the gear off for you, so it was all part of the plan.
@Chalkischeap: It was kind of you to help Esther out, but it is already sorted.
8-Jan-2010 5:05:51 PM
On 8/01/2010 dcarson wrote:
>Having children makes you weak.
So that's my problem!! I got two now, so I'm double weak yeah?
10-Jan-2010 7:07:43 AM
hi Dave, nice to hear from you!
hope the family life is fun, i probably wont be back till the end of the year..maybe you will have a bit more free time then??
10-Jan-2010 12:34:15 PM
On 10/01/2010 estherrenita_ wrote:
>hi Dave, nice to hear from you!
>hope the family life is fun, i probably wont be back till the end of the
>year..maybe you will have a bit more free time then??
Is that a proposed visit or are you returning to the fold?
11-Jan-2010 6:42:18 AM
visit :)
... people round here seem to think that Australia is exotic and interesting. I'm psyched. apparently the weather is always good and the people are really friendly
11-Jan-2010 12:38:43 PM
Horsham: Sunny Max44
Fire Danger: Catastrophic (Code Red) [100+]
11-Jan-2010 2:12:24 PM
On 11/01/2010 duglash wrote:
>Horsham: Sunny Max44
>Fire Danger: Catastrophic (Code Red) [100+]
Are you snowed in yet Esther? The news last night had a piece on how Germany was being shut down by extreme cold weather and they were advising people not to leave their homes. Especially funny as we are being advised to get the fûck out of ours. I'm not quite sure where we're supposed to go though.
12-Jan-2010 1:30:10 AM
No, not snowed in yet. But i might go to the climbing gym and wait...
They serve a great coffee there and of course have good beer, so i am ready to be "trapped" in.
I'll take a good book for the rest days.
Hope you are all OK over there, and that the heat returns to pleasantness soon. xx