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Chockstone Forum - Accidents & Injuries

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Ankle reco.

salty crag
3:29:17 PM
Six weeks post op and i'm starting some low level training on the wall. Low level as in very easy jugs for hands and feet and low to the ground so I can fall on my expanded posterior and not my feet.
Dislocated my ankle bouldering at Andersons back in early April. Considerable damage to an already unstable arthritic joint plus a small fracture to the Fibula. Have not worked, swum, climbed, surfed since. For non work related injuries my employer will only let me back once I'm 100% but the income insurance covers my wage.
The ankle feels really good, still sore and not quite full rage of movement yet but daily exercise for strength and stabilisation are doing the job plus I'm in the gym and starting to swim again.
Posting this as there were a few other broken ankles in the gramps around the same time and I wonder how those people have recovered and how much impact it has had on work and life. I've been a tad shocked by how hard the recovery is in some cases. Jumping on my training wall after months off it was the lack of climbing callouses that brought me unstuck. Going to be a tough few weeks toughening up the hands and working out what I can and can't do with the foot but great to be climbing again.
5:33:14 AM
Good luck with the rehab.

Late in the previous millennium I had to have my left ankle put together again after an accident (roped climbing not boulder) Still got a few staples holding things together.

For me the big things in recovery were the stiffness and also the loss of confidence in my ankles ability to absorb a shock or fall if something sudden happened. The two are related but the loss of confidence persisted for long after the logical part of my brain knew the ankle had recovered sufficient strength and flexibility.

I reckon I had adequate strength and flexibility within 6 to 9 months but it was at least two years before I stopped feeling stiffness when doing even mundane daily activities. During that time I remember getting mentally shut down on warm up boulder problems as soon as they got a bit high. Also during that time as soon as I tried hard moves requiring footwork my left always felt like a bit of a club. Once again I think that feeling was as much or more mental as physical. I could push through it if it was just a move but as soon as I got even a hint my ankle could explode again- I clammed up.

Full flexibility has never recovered but somewhere in the zawn between now and 2 years after the accident i arrived at a place where I rarely think about it.....apart from when a mosquito lands directly on top of one of the staples in my ankle bone and I jump around screaming like a screaming jumping thing.
Cheers stu

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