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11-Jan-2012 9:46:26 PM
I would like to learn to Aid climb. Looking for a partner that already aid climbs or someone that would also like to learn.
I am an experienced climber although not a strong one. Good rope skills. Alpine climbing. Blue eyes. Brown hair. Size 9 shoe. Based in Melbourne - well I'm actually homeless as I have been away for some time.
I have a trad rack and some aid gear and will stock up whilst I'm in Nepal. I return from Nepal in early Feb and am looking to get straight into it.
Let me know if anyone's keen.
11-Jan-2012 10:53:02 PM
With a shoe size of 9- you'll have lots of climbing partners!!
11-Jan-2012 11:14:57 PM
There is nothing to learn. Aiding shouldn't even be referred to as climbing.
Pursued as an end in itself, it is simply a load of boring faff.
And whatever you do, don't hook up with M9... he just uses the opportunity to lure you into a portaledge halfway up the North Wall of Buffalo so he can commit unspeakable acts.
12-Jan-2012 9:09:39 AM
If you want to aid on soft rock, come to the Bluies and ill climb some stuff with you.
i've started getting into it recently.. slow and uncomfortable and mentally exhausting :-s
12-Jan-2012 2:37:02 PM
On 12/01/2012 aarond wrote:
>slow and uncomfortable and mentally
>exhausting :-s
Sounds like a great day out, my biggest complaint with aiding is the constant taste of my own balls in my throat. Scary stuf.
12-Jan-2012 2:45:00 PM
You might have your harness too tight?
14-Jan-2012 10:58:04 AM
How do you know what your balls taste like???
Edit: Just tried, you bumpyboyz are flexible!!
14-Jan-2012 7:09:38 PM
best way to aid climb is self belaying. sooooo much less time sitting on belay, bored our of your skill. just get the 'Big Walls' book and have a go! best way is to just go try and figure it out on an A1 pitch.
don't believe simey. the best reason to aid is to go big wall camping by yourself in amazing places. but its still not the actual process making u happy i guess....
15-Jan-2012 8:45:53 PM
On 11/01/2012 simey wrote:
>There is nothing to learn. Aiding shouldn't even be referred to as climbing.
>Pursued as an end in itself, it is simply a load of boring faff.
>And whatever you do, don't hook up with M9... he just uses the opportunity
>to lure you into a portaledge halfway up the North Wall of Buffalo so he
>can commit unspeakable acts.
Like comparing the merits of fifi hooks to adjustable daisies? ... or are you referring to something that you wish you did on your ascent of Ozy?
I agree somewhat with sliamese who wrote;
>don't believe simey. the best reason to aid is to go big wall camping by yourself in amazing places. but its still not the actual process making u happy i guess....
+ The enjoyment (for some) in the actual process, is dealing with the associated mind games. The thinner the aid = the more iffy the pro = the harder it is to place/do = the longer it takes = the more effort involved in the mind game...
~> Kinda like what aarond and benjenga wrote!
By the way, if you ever get tired of climbing (even aid climbing), you can always open a cafe somewhere and talk about how you used to do it!
Heh, heh, heh.