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Grampians Road Closures Due to Storm Damage |
17-Dec-2010 12:15:24 PM
From the Parks website. Don't know how far they've got with fixing these up, so take care.
Billimina Walking Track (walking track from Buandik Campground) is currently closed due to a large land slide.
Mt Difficult Road - between Boroka Lookout to Wartook Road
Henham track
Glenelg River Road- From Stony Creek Road to Boreang Campground and Bullawin Road to Harrop Track
Mafeking Road
Serra Road - Flooding across road near the Grampians Dunkeld Road
Ostlers track
Goat track
Victoria Range track
Other closures:
The Southern end of Syphon Road is closed due to the bridge on the Glenelg River being unsafe for vehicle traffic. A detour can be made via Redhill Road and Sawmill Track (signs are in place).
The McKenzie Falls to Fish Falls walk remains closed. The loss of significant vegetation in the 2006 fire has required two new bridges to make a small section safe.
Rosea Track and Homestead Track remain closed to protect the Brush Tailed Rock Wallaby habitat
17-Dec-2010 12:18:54 PM
Cross link to previous thread:
17-Dec-2010 12:21:16 PM
Red Rock road had a lot of damage on the sides last Friday when I went along it but Parks had already patched the only washaway that went right across the road. Big dump of fresh sand in Muline Creek - didn't need 4WD but would have been dodgy with low clearance.
17-Dec-2010 12:22:22 PM
Now why didn't I see the earlier thread when I searched?