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Was anyone up Feathertop on Wednesday |
24-Aug-2007 9:54:12 AM
As per this thread anyone from here in this pic taken a couple of days ago:
24-Aug-2007 11:52:10 AM
I bailed from up there on Tuesday arvo and didnt see them on the way down or prior to leaving but that is not the point...... On Monday as I was having a bit of an arvo nanna nap in the tent at Fed Hut, a heli was zooming around the razorback ridge and feathertop like a mozzsie on steroids. I was wondering why they were doing it (rescue or joyflight) and I spose this photo suggests heli's do run joy flights around there?
man it was great up there, now in the post-trip doldrums of everyday life....
24-Aug-2007 3:09:55 PM
wow those photos are stunning!
24-Aug-2007 8:56:57 PM
looks like the guy on the left is taking a picture of the heli :)
25-Aug-2007 10:53:04 AM
I'll be the first to admit that I don't know jack about mountaineering or snow safety, but isn't the guy on the right standing on a big cornice? In some degree of peril?? Or do I have it all wrong.
25-Aug-2007 11:49:16 AM
Depends on the snow conditions really, and your experience in judging those conditions.
Some cornices break off! but who said mountaneering was free from peril?
25-Aug-2007 12:03:37 PM
On 25/08/2007 tmarsh wrote:
>I'll be the first to admit that I don't know jack about mountaineering
>or snow safety, but isn't the guy on the right standing on a big cornice?
>In some degree of peril?? Or do I have it all wrong.
i was thinking that but the other photos show the cornice to not be that big, also it appears that the guy is standing a bit further back from the other, so he's not actually near the edge.
Edit: to answer your other question Tmarsh, yes it would be dangerous to stand on a cornice, as if it broke off not only would one be falling but there is potential to start an avalanche depending on the conditions.