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CRUX Issue 4 - Red Chili Hunt Competition |
25-Jun-2007 7:21:19 PM
Hi guys,
It's been several months since our last instalment, but never fear, the CRUX team has been sourcing the hottest bods, the hippest heights and the.... (stop!)
Anyway, the closing date for submissions is the end of this week. We have plenty of big articles, we don't need any more of these please. What we do need is more photos, more news and a couple of filler bits. The issue theme is 'roadtrips', so we'd love to get something that fits that brief. Pisstake ads, blood shots, slander. Got a pic of anyone famous doing something stupid whilst drunk at the Bluies Festival? Know anyone who speaks opinionated shit 24/7 at the crag? Maybe they could be the next Loudmouth?
Send it all to editor [at]
25-Jun-2007 8:14:21 PM
Does anyone have a photo of Dave the Dude getting hauled off by the katoomba constabulary 2 the festival? Soooo ticked that i missed that.....
26-Jun-2007 2:55:07 PM
On 25/06/2007 mousey wrote:
>Does anyone have a photo of Dave the Dude getting hauled off by the katoomba
>constabulary 2 the festival? Soooo ticked that i missed that.....
27-Jun-2007 2:16:46 AM
My photo's are on the way to Josh tomorrow. Apologies for the delay Josh, no excuse but been bloody lazy!
27-Jun-2007 8:46:26 AM
Thanks mate! No worries about the delays, I know the lazy feeling quite well.... :)
28-Jun-2007 5:11:15 PM
You ??? NO Way !!!
2-Jul-2007 10:53:16 AM
That's it! Deadline has expired for our forthcoming Roadtrips special edition. Please hold off on submitting further content unless we are in direct contact with you! Thanks to everyone again for an overwhelming response to our last minute callout. Any rich benefactor want to finance a 200 page mag? ☺
The only article we are missing is a Loudmouth. We’d love some suggestions, especially from someone a little younger than the geriatrics we have chosen previously (maybe the older you are the deafer you get, and thus the louder you are?). The prospective ‘mouther would be required to bang on about something vaguely climbing related for 500 words, and defame a few people at least twice. Interested? Email me – editor (at) cruxmag dotoo com dot au
2-Jul-2007 11:56:21 AM
Bugger, did JP send you a trip report on WA Neil? If not i can knock up a report today as i am bored out of my mind at work!
2-Jul-2007 11:59:14 AM
Mousey, hows you mother?
2-Jul-2007 12:01:58 PM
too late for WA TR Chris! We've go an mammoth amount of TR material already - its gonna be killer
trying to knock it down into a tight package for the mag. Give us a breather until next issue (October
2-Jul-2007 12:03:30 PM
No problem neil, you may get a real TR by then (canada if all goes to plan). Did Josh get my photo's?
2-Jul-2007 12:15:20 PM
On 2/07/2007 for fox sake wrote:
>Did Josh get my photo's?
I believe so. You'll have to ask Josh that! He's in Sydney, i'm in Melb.
5-Jul-2007 12:27:34 AM
actually, I'm in singapore. this is the first chance ive had to get online... 18 hour days of rigging/scaffolding. great fun! ill be home friday morning so if youre expecting an email then youll have to wiat until then
but yes foxy i got your disc on the way to the airport, thanks mate
8-Aug-2007 9:21:03 AM
so, when can we expect the next crux mag?
8-Aug-2007 11:19:22 AM
It's in the final layout/design stages at the moment, you'll have to hit Neil up for an 'on the shelf' date... monty??
8-Aug-2007 1:56:39 PM
It should be hitting the shops in the first week of September. This issue will be huge, 128 pages. Unfortunately that’s 128 pages of design and proofing, which is what we are doing this week! Stay tuned....
Here's a preview of a few pages!

9-Aug-2007 8:23:36 AM
Looking good guys!!
4-Sep-2007 9:45:50 AM
Howdy ho,
Issue 4 is hitting the stores this week! If you’re a subscriber, chances are you have already received your copy today. If you got published in the mag you’ll receive your free copy in the next few days. With this issue we have clocked up our first full year in publication. Hurrah for us!

It’s a bumper Roadtrip Special issue, 128 pages of magical climbing fun and information. There’s features on Tassie Pillars, Scotland, India, Best Oz Crag, Cars, Nutrition, Yoga, USA Bouldering, Himalyan Tragedy etc etc…
You can find out more by visiting our website – We have also put online (for free!) a full PDF of our first issue. It’s 19mb and can be downloaded from the front page. We plan to put every mag online 2 issues after they are printed as a community resource.
We had more than 50 contributors to our current issue, and they all helped massively to get the mag into shape. We’d like to personally thank…
Adam Bramwell, Adam Demmert,Alana Willis, Andrew Lock, Anita Sharma, Belinda Rees, Bob McMahon, Caine Delacy, Cameron O’Neill, Chris Fox, Craig Ingram, Francesca Edelridge, Gemma Woldendorp, Gerry Narkowicz, Glenn Pennycook, Graham Zimmerman, Guillaume Charton, Hana Black, Jason Piper, Jesse Lomas, Jim Truscott, John Bourne, John Kazanas, Jono Schmidt, Josh Caple, Julian Bell, Justin Jefferson, Lauren Chandler, Lauren Johnson, Lee Cujes, Marten Blumen, Mat Farrell, Matthias Kerkmann, Michael Boniwell, Michael Meadows, Mike Doyle, Monique Forestier, Neil Monteith, Nick Hanc--k, Nick Sutter, Peter Jackson, Phil Box, Phil Sage, Ramon Francis, Rob Saunders, Ross Tims, Scott Hailstone, Simon Carter, Simon Mentz, Simon Murry, Stephen Skelton, Stephen Walker, Steve Baskerville, Steve Hawkshaw, Tim Hassnoot & Toby Bucek
Issue #5 – Xmas Photo Special
In typical random CRUX style we’ve decided to produce a big colour photo special for the Christmas season. Our aim is to jam pack it with the best visual action plus all the usual assortments of columns and articles. Expect the un-expected as we showcase some of the more unusual photos produced in this country and kick it all off with a totally fresh design to the mag. We aim to constantly re-invent ourselves so another big change is that we’ll be enlarging the size of the mag to be something around the ‘typical’ mag size A4ish. In might be typical in size, but the content will be as crazy as always.
So, please send Josh your photos for this issue! Low-rez previews can be sent to photos [at] Of course we are still after wicked articles, art, stories and anything else vaguely related to climbing. If you’ve submitted stuff in the past there is a good chance it may end up in this next issue. We seem to always have more content than we can get in print! Send your ideas to me at editor [at]
Submission deadline for Issue #5 is October 15th 2007. Please don’t wait until the last minute to send us stuff! The earlier we get it the more time we have to perfect the article structure, layout and design.
Woodie Worx CRUX Pimp My Woodie Competition
For our next issue we want to create a feature article of Australasia’s best home climbing walls. Email us a photo of your wall for a chance to be included and even better, a chance win to win big! The grand champion wall, as judged by us, wins a big set of 40 Woodie Worx holds and ten runner-ups win a set of 5 holds each. Send photo entries to woodieworx [at]
Thanks again for supporting CRUX. We hope we are still creating an entertaining mag for your reading pleasure. If you have any feedback or want to help us out with any part the mag then please let us know!
The CRUX Team
4-Sep-2007 6:02:41 PM
Hi guys... Is it still possible to subscribe? I keep forgetting to....
The website gives a subscription from the 3rd issue, but I accidentally bought it allready!
Maybe I can subscribe by giviing some money to Adski next time I see him?
4-Sep-2007 10:11:37 PM
cool i got mine in the mail today it's awesome as ever